MONTANARO – Vents D’Est, Keleti Szél (1990) – LP PEKKE mg 1990
LP with Miquéu Montanaro – playing his program “Vent’s Est” where Jazz and folk musicians play together. Various artists play with him live in Budapest.
The first track is a duo with György Szabados
Budapest Folk 93 – Live (1993) – Etnofon ER-CD 004
Various – Fonó Records 1999 (Fonó Records – FA-077-2)
Vetettem Gyöngyöt (Világzene Magyarországon 1972-2006) (1985) – Etnophon ER-CD 094
Liner Notes: 
György Szabados is one of the pioneers of the `Hungarian jazz’ based on folk music of this region. In the 1960’s he won first place in the free jazz category at the San Sebastian Festival. The technical literature bravely puts him up next to Bartók, though in the 60’s and 70’s his art too was surrounded by prejudice and a lack of comprehension. The piece called `A szarvassá vált flak’ [Sons that became deer] was inspired by the 1956 revolution; it is historical music, music of fate.
Szabados is not only a pioneer, but he created a school as well: many, many of his students played together in his workshop known as ‘MAKUZ’; Mihály ‘Dudás’ Dresch, István Grencsó, Károly Binder, Ferenc Kovács, Zoltán Lantos, István Baló, Róbert Benkő, Attila Lőrinszky and Tamás Geröly — most of whom later became members of the Dresch Quartet, Grencsó Kollektíva and Dél-Аlföl-dí Szaxofonegyüttes [Dél-Alföld Saxophone Ensemble].
László Távolodó Marton (translation by Sue Foy)
Various – Jazz- És Világzenei Koncertek A Müpában Programízelítő 2009 (MÜPACD 003-01)
BMC Records Jazz Sampler 2009 – Only for Promotion! (BMC CD S04)