Go to other years:
1996, 16 March
Dance performance by the ensemble Orkesztika Movement Theater (Orkesztika Mozdulatszínház) for the composition of Szabados’ Szólóposzáta in the Mu Színház (Mu Theatre), Lágymányosi Közösségi Ház, XI. Kőrösy u. 17., Budapest
Szólóposzáta (Warbler’s solo / Grasmückensolo)
[In: Pesti Műsor, 1996, 3 March., page 49]
1996, Apr.
1996, 10 Apr.
1996, 17 Apr.
Dance performance by the ensemble Orkesztika Movement Theater (Orkesztika Mozdulatszínház) for the composition of Szabados’ Szólóposzáta in the Mu Színház (Mu Theatre), Lágymányosi Közösségi Ház, XI. Kőrösy u. 17., Budapest
Szólóposzáta (Warbler’s solo / Grasmückensolo)
[In: Pesti Műsor, 1996, 11 April, page 54]
1996, 27 Apr.
1996, 5 May
Solo concert during the Bodensee Festival in Friedrichshafen (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1996, 17 May
1996, 21 May
1996, 12 June
Székely Nemzeti Múzeum, Bartók-terem, Sepsiszentgyörgy. This event is a presentation of periodical Magyar Szemle.
Gábor Czakó (deputy chief redaktor of Magyar szemle )
György Szabados (playing Szabados work from tape)
Géza Szőcs
Géza Entz
Tamás Dózsa (authors of Magyar szemle)
Vendégünk volt a Magyar Szemle [In: Háromszék, 1996, 10 June, page 8]
Vendégünk a Magyar szemle.[In: Háromszék, 1996, 11 June, page 1]
Vendégünk volt a Magyar Szemle [In: Háromszék, 1996, 11 June, page 2]
Vendégünk volt a Magyar Szemle [In: Háromszék, 1996, 12 June, page 8]
Vendégünk volt a Magyar Szemle [In: Háromszék, 1996, 15 June, page 1]
Vendégünk volt a Magyar Szemle [In: Háromszék, 1996, 15 June, page 5]
1996, 6 July
Solo concert during the Békéstarhosi Zenei Napok in Békéstarhos (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1996, July
1996, 12 July
Performance of MAKUZ during the 25th Debrecen Jazz Days in Debrecen (HU)
MAKUZ (8 members) :
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (saxophone, flute)
István Grencsó (saxophone, flute)
other musicians not known
Review by Gábor Turi in Hajdú-bihari Nap, 1996
Article by Gábor Túri: Dzsessz – 25 év – 25 forint [In: Magyar Nemzet, 1996, 3 Aug.]
Article by Mihály Endes: Huszonöt forintért a huszonötödiken. [In: Hajdú-bihari napló, 1996, 12 July, p. 13]
Article by Mihály Endes: Döntött a közönség – kell a dzsessznapok [In: Hajdú-bihari napló 1996, 18 July, p. 10]
1996, 7 Oct.
Recording of the music for the CD „Jelenés (Revelation)” with the contribution of Roscoe Mitchell in the Thália Theatre in Budapest (HU) during the Autumn Festival. The CD will be released in 1998 by Fonó Records.
The members of MAKUZ:
György Szabados (leader, piano, chanting)
Roscoe Mitchell (alto saxophone)
Mihály Dresch Dudás (tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone, bass clarinet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
The CD „Jelenés (Revelation)” will be released in 1998 by Fonó Records (Hungary) FA-038-2
1996, 23 Oct.
Recording of the composition: “The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)” in the Fonó Budai Zeneház, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (prepared piano)
Tamás “Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Mihály Dresch (flute, bass clarinet)
Zsolt Vaskó (flute, bass clarinet)
Video recording
TV Documentation about the composition: Az események titkos története (The Secret History of the Events)
The composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
Information where and when the composition was played
Released in 1999 on double CD: CD1: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) (1996) & CD2: The Sons Turned into Stags (A szarvassá vált fiak) (1985) – Fonó Records FA-068-2
Go to other years:
1997 or 1998
Concert in Novi Sad (SR) – not known whether solo concert or with an ensemble
1997, 27 Jan.
Solo concert to celebrate the Day of Hungarian Culture in the Kaffka Grammer School in Budapest (HU).
György (Szabados solo:
György Szabados piano)
1997, 7 Feb.
Dance performance by the ensemble Orkesztika Movement Theater (Orkesztika Mozdulatszínház) for the composition of Szabados’ Szólóposzáta in the Mu Színház (Mu Theatre), Lágymányosi Közösségi Ház, XI. Kőrösy u. 17., Budapest
Szólóposzáta (Warbler’s solo / Grasmückensolo)
[In: Pesti Műsor, 1997, 6 Feb., page 57]
1997, 15 Feb.
1997, 21 April
Solo concert in the Szeged Youth House, Szeged (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Portrait film about György Szabados, directed by László Vági – filmed by the end of the 90s. The shooting took place in a coffee house in Szeged and in Szabados’s home in Nagymaros; the solo was recorded during above concert
1997, April – 1998, January
A television series of 20 parts starts with the title: Future taken from the Past / Die Zukunft entliehen aus der Vergangenheit (Múltból vett jövő) to continue the series of previous year (Road to the future – Út a jövőnkbe) in Duna Television (HU).
Part 2:
DUNA TV 1997/98: Future taken from the Past / Die Zukunft entliehen aus der Vergangenheit (Múltból vett jövő). Host: Szabó László Zsolt, in conversation with: Dr. János Balogh & György Szabados
Bogdán László: A holnap kárvallottjai [In: Háromszék, 1998, 6 May, page 3]
1997, 29 April
György Szabados Trio concert during the Mediawave festival in Győr (HU). The concert should take place in the old Synagogue but the promised piano emerged only at midnight – and not tuned. So, the Hungarian doyen of the improvisative music had to go to the small room of the Lyod Cinema with his musicians… and they were playing there till the early morning hours.
György Szabados (piano)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
Béla Jávorszky Szilárd’s article: Repedések – Győri jazz [In Népszabadság, May 1997]
Az improvizatív zene műhelye – A győri nemzetközi dzsesszkoncertek 15 éve [In: Népszabadság, 1997, 28 April, page 15]
1997, 13 May
1997, 16 May
1997, 18 May
Legyen Major build, Őriszentpéter (HU)
Lecture by György Szabados: Bartók időszerűsége (Bartók’s timeliness)
György Szabados: Bartók időszerűsége (Bartók’s timeliness) [In: Szabados György – Írások I., 2008]
Őriszentpéter, Játékszín
Hajós Nóra and Szabados György, music and moving improvisation
György Szabados (piano)
Hajós Nóra (moving improvisation)
Hajós Nórával – Logomotion és improvizáció
A Virágzás Napjai az Őrségben. [Vas népe, 1997, 16 May, page 4]
A Virágzás Napjai az Őrségben. [Vas népe, 1997, 16 May, page 1]
1997, 31 May
Performance of Jovica Milosevic-Fitzgerald, participant Szabados György and MAKUZ: Homage to the spirit of ancient blacks, in the Fonó Budái Zeneház, Budapest (HU)
MAKUZ and Jovica Fitzgerald:
György Szabados (piano)
Jovica Milosevic-Fitzgerald (vocal)
other musicians not known
1997, 7 – 13 June
Recording of the CD: ‘György Szabados: Time-Music (Idő-zene) & Bartók Béla: Divertimento & Román népi táncok (Rumanian Folk Dances)’ in the studio of Fonó Music Hall, Budapest (HU)
With the contribution of the Academy Soloists Chamber Orchestra (Akadémiai Szólisták Kamarazenekara):
György Szabados (musical director)
Ferenc Kovács (concert master)
Gábor Szabó (I. violin)
Gábor Csonka (I. violin)
Anikó Kovács (I. violin)
Zsuzsa Vince (I. violin)
Viktor Uhrin (I. violin)
Judit Zámbó (II. violin)
Katalin Zakar (II. violin)
Éva Túri (II. violin)
Dóra Nagymengyi (II. violin)
István Raincsák (viola)
Jutas Jávorka (viola)
István Polonyi (viola)
Miklós Oláh (cello)
Ágnes Nagy (cello)
Szilvia Lantos (cello)
Vilmos Buza (double bass)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Lóránt Patay (double bass)
The CD is released in 1997: “György Szabados: Time-Music (Idő-zene) & Bartók Béla: Divertimento & Román népi táncok (Rumanian Folk Dances)” Fonó Records (Hungary) FA-034-2
Composition “Time-Musik (Idő-zene)”
Information about György Szabados’ string Orchestra compositions
1997, 14 June
1997, 10 July
1997, 13 Sept.
Trio concert during the Jazz and Improvised Music Festival Kanjiza (SR)
Gyögy Szabados (piano)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Improvisation during the Jazz and Improvised Music Festival Kanjiza (SR) with the Theatar JEL (Nagy József))
Gyögy Szabados (piano)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
Magyar kiállítási, művészeti katalógusok a Magyar Nemzeti Galéria gyűjteményéből (Kanizsa, 1987) 12.old.
László Bihari about the event in Magyar Hírlap 1997. October
Jávorszky Béla Szilárd – Kanizsai improvizációk [In: Népszabadság, 1997, 23 Sept., page 10]
Essay by Nagy József: “JEL színház” published online at .zetna.org (Year unknown)
1997, 26 Nov.
Duo concert with Lajos Kathy Horváth on the Egyetemi Szinpad in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados – Lajos Kathy Horváth Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Lajos Kathy Horváth (violin)
Go to other years:
Concert in Subotica (SR) – not known if it was a solo concert or a concert with ensemble.
Solo concert “Az idő múlása” in Zebegény (HU) on the occasion of the X. Expanzió ’98
György Szabados Solo
György Szabados (piano)
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 594]
1998, 24 Feb.
Lecture by György Szabados: The music yesterday and today – within a series of lectures about the Hungarian culture: “On the Trails of the Stag” in the university KLTE in Debrecen/Hungary
Poster of the event
Poster of the series of lectures
Szarvasnyomon [In: Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 1998, 24 Feb., page 10]
A zene a hatalom gyakorlásának eszköze is [In: Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 1998, 23 Feb., page 15]
1998, 14 March
Program with the title “Talpra magyar” to honour the revolution of 1848 in the Fonó Budai Music House in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados with the Jánosi Ensemble:
György Szabados (piano)
plus unknown Members of the Jánosi Ensemble
1998, 19 March
1998, 3 Apr.
Trio concert in the Marble Hall of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (HU). The concert was recorded by the Radio and broadcasted later
György Szabados Trio:
György Szabados (piano, vocal)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
1998, 27 May
Lecture with the title: A ritmus esztétikája (Aesthetics of the rythm) is held in the Dominikánus Ház in Pécs (HU), followed by a solo concert
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1998, 26 June
Solo, Trio & MAKUZ concert in the Fonó Buda Music House, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
György Szabados Trio:
György Szabados (piano)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
György Szabados & Makuz:
György Szabados (leader, piano, voice)
Mihály Dresch (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet)
Zsolt Vaskó (soprano saxophone, jew’s-harp, piccolo, alto saxophone, flute)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, fluegelhorn)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Audience video recording
Audience recording
1998, 3 Aug.
Lecture by György Szabados in Velem during an educational summer camp about the subjects music and freedom (HU)
T. Merklin: Interview with György Szabados: Music is the language of the Cosmos (A zene a kozmosz nyelve) [In: Vas Népe, 1998. augusztus 6]
Article about the summer camp in the daily newspaper Vas Népe, 4. August 1998
1998, 26 Sept.
1998, 5 Nov.
1998, 19 – 21 Nov.
1998, 28 Nov.
Go to other years:
Release of a double CD by Fonó Records FA-068-2:
CD1: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) recorded during the concert on 23rd October 1996 in the Fonó Budai Zeneház, Budapest (HU)
CD2: The Sons Turned into Stags (A szarvassá vált fiak) – remaster of a recording in March 1985 in the Studio 22 of the Hungarian Broadcasting Company, Budapest (HU). First released in 1989 as LP: “A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons turned into Stags)
Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
Information where and when the composition was played
First released 1989 as LP: “A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons Turned into Stags) (1985) – Krém SLPX 37215”
Composition: A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons Turned into Stags)
Information where and when the composition and ballet were performed, plus LINER NOTES to the 1989 LP release and photos of the brochure
1999, 12 Febr.
1999, 6 July
MAKUZ performs in the Marble Hall of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (HU) on the occasion of the 60th birthday of György Szabados.
MAKUZ orchestra:
György Szabados (leader, piano)
Mihály Dresch (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, kaval)
Zsolt Vaskó (alto saxophone, soprano saxophone, jew’s harp, flute)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Radio recording
TV broadcasting
A tribute to György Szabados on the occasion of his 60th birthday by Mihály Dresch Quartet, Kathy Horváth Lajos jr., Dresch – Jávori Duo, Grencsó – Benkő Duo.
Géza Gábor Simon: György Szabados to his 60th Birthday (In: Jazz Live, #124 (1999)
Gábor Turi: Szabados Gyögy és kora (In: Napi Magyarország, 1999)
1999, 15 Oct.
1999, 25 Oct.
Trio concert in the Művészetek Háza in Szekszárd
György Szabados (piano)
the name of the other two musicians is not known
1999, Nov.
Recording of the soundtrack composed by György Szabados for the fiction film directed by Zoltán Bicskei: Nagyapáti Kukac Péter mennybemenetele (Péter Kukac from Nagyapát is going to heaven) in the Fonó Budai Zeneház in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
MAKUZ orchestra
Szabados György (leader, piano)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
Zsolt Vaskó (reeds)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (violin, zither)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Recording of Szabados solo
Recording of MAKUZ & musicians
Fiction film directed by Zoltán Bicskei and released in 2000: Nagyapáti Kukac Péter mennybemenetele (Péter Kukac from Nagyapát is going to heaven)
1999, 30 Nov.
Go to other years:
This year awarded with the “Award for the Hungarian Arts“
Release of the fiction film directed by Zoltán Bicskei: Nagyapáti Kukac Péter mennybemenetele (Péter Kukac from Nagyapát is going to heaven), with music by György Szabados
Fiction film directed by Zoltán Bicskei and released in 2000: Nagyapáti Kukac Péter mennybemenetele (Péter Kukac from Nagyapát is going to heaven)
2000, 22 March
Solo concert in Balatonfüred on the occasion of the publishing of a book of Béla Hamvas
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2000, March
2000, 11 May
2000, 22 May
2000, 28 May
2000, June
Solo concert in Zebegény (HU), organised by the Dunakanyar Kulturális Alapítvány
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)