Csaba Molnár talks with different persons in the series Ráérő idő (Time for Leisure / Zeit zur Muße), published in “Forrás” magazine in 2008, July-August.
Talking with György Szabados:
 PDF DownloadPDF Download PDF DownloadPDF Download
  Front page and contents of the Forrás magazin, July – August 2008

The same interview was published earlier in Terasz online kulturális magazine on the 29th October 2006 with the title: …egységben, egyszólamban, Egészben (… Unity, Monophony, Wholeness / ..Einheit, Verbundenheit, Ganzheit):
 PDF Download PDF Download   


Recording of a video of 10:30′ minutes which will be broadcasted on the 19th September 2015 by DUNA TV in the program: Guest of the day / A nap vendége

movie_hu movie_en movie_ge  A nap vendége (Guest of the day / Gast des Tages) with English and German subtitle
news_en  Ticker text: “Béla Hamvas: “This is the horrible question: how is it possible that all the injustice happening today is allowed to happen?”
news_ge  Tickertext: “Béla Hamvas: “Die erschreckende Frage ist folgende: Wie kommt es, dass all die Ungerechtigkeiten, die heute stattfinden zugelassen werden?”

2006, 13 March

Hajnalok – Hommage á Bartók
Concert with György Szabados & New Dimension Workshop in the Hungarian Cultural Centre in London (GB)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  About the program: Bartók fókusz Londonban – uj.terasz.hu 7th March 2006
related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 30 March

Concert with the Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Gábor Hollerung in the Palace of Arts – National Concert Hall (MÜPA), Budapest (HU), furthermore, the
Honvéd Male Choir (Choirmaster: Péter Drucker)
Gabriella Sallai (soprano)
On the program compositions of György Szabados:
Three songs (Cantata on poems by Mihály Babits) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire):
1. Emlékezés 6:10
2. Régi vers egy fiatal költő keserűségeiről 8:54
3. Zsoltár gyermekhangra 9:29

related_items  Composition: Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
related_items  György Szabados – String Orchestra compositions
audio info  Audience recording
  Radio recording

news_ge  Concert announcement

2006, 24 April

 Interview by Klára Varga: Az események titkos története – (In: mno, 24th April 2006)

2006, 4 July

Solo concert during the Művészeti Fesztivál in the Anna Grand Hotel in Balatonfüred (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Poster of the concert
  Improvizáció az egész élet [In: Veszprémi Napló, 2006/07/06, page 15]

2006, 12 July

Solo concert during the Festival d’Avignon, Avignon (F)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

news_en  Concert announcement (also in French)
  Poster of the Festival

2006, 15 July

Duo concert with Vladimir Tarasov during the Festival d’ Avignon, Avignon (F)
György Szabados & Vladimir Tarasov Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Vladimir Tarasov (drum, percussion)

news_en  Concert announcement (also in French)
  Article [In: Hajdú Bihari Napló, 2006/09/08, page 10]
  Szabados György sikere [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2006/07/18, page 14]
  Avignoni dzsessz [In: Vas Népe, 2006/07/17, page 7]
  Poster of the Festival

2006, 22 July

Solo concert in Zebegény (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Article by Klára Varga: Zenei jóslat a Málnafesztiválon – mno. 24th July 2006
  Article by Klára Varga: Farkasok zenélnek a málnafesztiválon [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2006/07/21, page 15]

2006, Sept.

Release of the CD: Szabados – New Dimension Workshop (Új Dimenzió Műhely): Elegy 1956, recorded in the Studio 22 of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (HU) on the 20th May 2005

audio info liner_notes GSP2005F
movie_hu  TV Clip – excerpt from the program Kultúrház, broadcasted by MTV2 on 12th December 2006, about the Elegy 1956 

2006, 9 Sept.

Duo concert with Vladimir Tarasov, during the Guelph Jazz Festival, in the River Run Centre, Guelph (Canada)
György Szabados & Vladimir Tarasov Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Vladimir Tarasov (drum, percussion)

audio info  Audience recording 
  Audience recording
news_en  Review by Paul J. Youngman

2006, 20 Sept.

Performance of the composition: “The Secret History of the Events / Az események titkos története” in the Csokonai Theatre in Debrecen. The concert was filmed by the Theater’s Video Studio, the Csokonai Visual Workshop as multi-camera recording, directed by Attila Mispál. After the concert was live talk-show with György Szabados.
György Szabados (prepared piano)
Tamás “Kobzos” Kiss (vocal, voice)
István Grencsó (flute, bass clarinet)
Zsolt Vaskó (flute, bass clarinet)

related_items  Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
related_items  Information where and when the composition was performed
movie  Video of the performance
audio info  Audio of the performance
[In: Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 2006/09/08, page 7]

movie_hu movie_en movie_ge  Program on DUNA TV about the story and the making of  “The Secret History of the Events / Az események titkos története” (with English & German subtitles)

2006, 22 Sept.

Honoured with the “Aracs Phoenix-Award (Aracs Főnix-díj)” in Subotica, Serbia and a short solo concert
The Aracs-Phoenix-Award is a price bestowed upon those institutions or persons who have been contributing to the cultivation of the mother tongue and of the identity of the Hungarian nation. The ceremony takes place in Szabadka (Subotica, SR) at the beautiful Town Hall in secession style.
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

 Video of the ceremony and the short solo concert
  Audience recording
  György Szabados: Ha a lelkiismeret nem működik, szétesik a világ (If conscience doesn’t work, the world will fall apart) [In: Aracs 2006/4]

news_hu  Katalin Mihályi about the award
news_hu  About the ceremony in  Magyar Szó 2006.09.22
news_hu  Article about the ceremony: Az élő lelkiismeret – K.N., Hét nap, 2006.09.27

2006, 27 Sept.

’Bartók otherwise’ (Bartók másképpen) – concert with the New Dimension Workshop in the Bartók Memorial House, Budapest (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet and contrabass clarinet)

2006, 28 Sept.

Presentation of the CD Elegy 1956 with the New Dimension Workshop in Debrecen (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)

 Announcement – indexdebrecen, 2006.08.07
  Concert announcement
related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 4 Oct.

Concert and presentation of the CD Elegy 1956 with the New Dimension Workshop in the Leighton House Museum in London (GB)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

related_items  Photo
  Article about the events – in Új Ember, 22nd October 2006
related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 12 Oct.

Solo concert in the “Unterfahrt” Munich (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

2006, 18 Oct.

Wednesday  20:05-21:42
Budapest Spring Festival 2006
Concert by the Ernő Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra.
Conducted by Gábor Hollerung

Palace of Arts, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall, 30 March 2006, Thursday, 30 March 2006, 7.30 pm.
Gabriella Sallay – vocals
György Oravecz – piano
Honvéd Male Choir – Choirmaster: Péter Drucker
Budapest Academic Choral Society – Choir director: Ildikó Balassa
Cotton Club Singers
György Szabados: Három ének: kantáta Babits Mihály verseire) (Three songs: Cantata on poems by Mihály Babits) – performance (Gabriella Sallay, Male choir)
Paul Schoenfield (1947-): Four impossible stories – performance (György Oravecz)
Gershwin: An American in Paris
Roland Szentpáli: Beatus vir – premiere (Cotton Club Singers, Academic Choral Society)

  Radio recording

2006, 28 Oct.

Concert with the New Dimension Workshop in the International Music House in Moscow (RUS)

New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  Article: Szabados György emlékkoncertje Moszkvában – mno. 2006.10.30
  Article: Szabados György emlékkoncertje Moszkvában [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2006/10/30, p.19]

related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 6 Nov.

Concert and presentation of the CD Elegy 1956 with the New Dimension Workshop in The Hungarian Theatre of Kolozsvár (RO)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  Article: Elégia 1956. Lemezbemutató dzsessz-koncert a kolozsvári magyar színházban – huntheater.ro 2006.11.01.
related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 10 Nov.

Solo concert during the I. Bárka Festival in the Bárka Színház (Bárka Theater) Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Article by Katalin Metz: Formabontó előadások szemléje – mno. 2006.11.06

  About the programs of the I. Bárka Fesztivál – szinhaz.hu 2006.10.27

2006, 15 Nov.

Solo concert in the Bartók Béla Music School in Vác (HU) as part of the series ARBOS Improvizativ Jazz Evenings
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Poster of the concert

2006, 5 Dec.

Solo & concert with the New Dimension Workshop on the A38 Ship (Koncerthajó), Budapest (HU), performing the Elegy 1956
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

audio info  Audience recording
  TV Video recording – György Szabados & New Dimension Workshop playing composition: Elégia 1956 [incomplete]
  Article: Új Dimenzió Műhely: Elégia – 1956 – Újbuda 13. Dec. 2006
related_items  Information about the New Dimension Workshop

2006, 13 Dec.

Concert with the New Dimension Workshop on the occasion of the Music Forum Budapest Composer Competition, in Fészek klub, Budapest (HU), performing compositions Hajnalok (Daybreaks) and Elegy 1956
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  MOLNÁR SZABOLCS: Saját válogatott – Új magyar művek 9. hangversenyciklusa a Fészek Művészklubban [In: Muzsika, 2007/2, page 36-39]
  Festival program

2006, 27 Dec.

Kassák Christmas – MAKUZ concert in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados & Makuz:
György Szabados (piano)
István Grencsó  (tenor saxophone)
Zsolt Vaskó (alto saxophone, pipe, flute)
Ákos Szelevényi (soprano saxophone, tenor saxophone)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet, flugelhorn)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)

audio info  Audience recording
movie  Audience video recording
music  Audience recording (alternativ)


 Interview by László Matisz with György Szabados: Miről szól a zene? (In: Parallel 2007/No.5) 


 Szabados György: Kodály emlékezete (Memory of Kodály) [In: Szabados György – Írások I., 2008]  


Performance by Katalin Ladik in Verőce (HU) with the title: Új ballada (New ballade) and probably Szabados held lecture “Időszerűség és lábadozás” about Hamvas Béla on the occasion of XIX. Expanzió.

  György Szabados talks from 11:47 to 22:31 about the 20 years of the events Expansion
 Időszerűség és lábadozás – A hamvasi szellem aktualitása (Timeliness and recovery – Actuality of Hamvas’ spirit)
  G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
 G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle[In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 604-605]
  [In: Napút 2013/6., page 87-91]


Release of the CD „Szabados Sextet: Baltás zsoltár (Axe psalm)” – GyőrFree Műhely (Hungary) HCD 346

audio info liner_notes GSPA1973F  The concert of the György Szabados Sextet was recorded on the University Stage, Budapest (HU) in 1973, April 12


Release of the compilation CD: Vetettem Gyöngyöt (Világzene Magyarországon 1972-2006) – Etnophon ER-CD 094 , including an excerpt of the composition “A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons Turned into Stags)” recorded in March 1985

audio etnofon_CD_Front  Compilation CD: “Vetettem Gyöngyöt (Világzene Magyarországon 1972-2006)” – Etnophon ER-CD 094
related_items  Composition: A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons Turned into Stags)
related_items  Information where and when the composition and ballet were played, plus LINER NOTES to the LP release in 1989 and photos of the Brochure
audio info liner_notes GSP1985LPF  In 1989 first release of the LP: “The Sons Turned into Stags – A szarvassá vált fiak (1985) – Krém SLPX 37215”
audio info liner_notes GSA1999DB  and in 1999 again released as remaster on Double CD: “CD1: The Secret History of the Events / Az események titkos története (1996) CD2: The Sons Turned into Stags / A szarvassá vált fiak (1985) – Fonó Records FA-068-2”


Release of the CD „Készülődés a csatára” – GyőrFree Műhely (Hungary) HCD 347, a concert of György Szabados & MAKUZ, recorded in 1987 in the Kassák Klub, Budapest (HU)

audio info liner_notes GSA1987F  


Concert with the New Dimension Workshop in Cluj (Kolozsvár) (RO)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)

Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

2007, 3 March

Concert with the New Dimension Workshop in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

audio  Audience recording 

2007, 8 Apr.

Private solo concert in the Town Theater in Český Krumlov (CZ)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

movie  Audience video recording
music  Audience recording

2007, 24 Apr.

 György Szabados: Rövid zenei önéletrajz (Short musical resume) [In: Szabados György – Írások I., 2008]

2007, 25 Apr.

Lecture in Budapest about Béla Bartók

 PDF Download PDF Download  Az élő Bartók – Bartóki modell? (The living Bartók – Bartók as example? / Der „lebende“ Bartók – Das Bartóksche Modell?)

2007, 27 April

Solo performance in the House of Arts (Művészetek Háza), Miskolc (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

movie_hu  About György Szabados and the concert in the Miskolc TV on 27 April 2007 (4 minutes)
  Publicity for the program
  Radiointerview with György Szabados from April 2007, Recorded by Szent István Radio, Miskolc (HU) 

2007, 19 May

Solo concert in the Arts’ Palace (Művészetek Palotája) in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

news_hu  Flyer about the concert

2007, July

 Article of Andreas Felber: György Szabados. Die Sehnsucht nach dem “Trotzdem” [In: Jazz Zeit, #67 (July/Aug.2007)] 

2007, 4 July

Solo concert during the Balatonfüredi Művészeti Fesztivál, Balatonfüred, (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

news_hu  Announcement of the event: Füredi víg napjaink (mno. 2006.06.29)

2007, 21 July

Solo concert during the Gyulai Vár Jazz Fesztivál, Gyula (HU)G
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

news_hu  Articles & Reviews

2007, 6 – 8 Sept.

3. Újbuda Jazz Festival with the subtitle: Three days with György Szabados

news_hu  Announcement of the program of the three days event
news_hu  Announcement: Évadnyitó – szinhaz.hu 2007.08.17
 Klára Varga about the three days: Zárványok a lelkünkben – mno 2007.09.08
  Varga Klára: Zárványok a lelkűnkben – Három nap Szabados Györggyel és a dzsesszel a MU Színház fesztiválján [Magyar Nemzet, 2007/09/08, page 14]

6th September:
Drawing – Dance performance: Hommage to György Szabados
Nagy József-Bicskei Zoltán duo:
József Nagy (dance)
Zoltán Bicskei (live drawing)

  [In: Pesti Műsor, 2007, 6 Sept., page 40]

Performance of the composition “The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)” in the MU Theatre, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (prepared piano)
Tamás „Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
István Grencsó (flute, bass clarinet)
Zsolt Vaskó (flute, bass clarinet)

audio info GSA2007CD3  later in 2007 released on CD: “MU Színház – GyőrFree Műhely Fesztivál 2007/3” – GyőrFree Műhely 2007 – CD 3
related_items  Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
related_items  Information where and when the composition was played
  Video recording

7th September:
Solo concert in the MU Theater, Budapest during the GyőrFree Workshop Festival.
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

audio info Cover_Front  later in 2007 released on CD: “MU Színház – GyőrFree Műhely Fesztivál 2007/1” – GyőrFree Műhely 2007 – CD 1
  Video recording

8th September:
MAKUZ performs in the MU Theatre, Budapest (HU) during the GyőrFree Workshop Festival

György Szabados & MAKUZ:
György Szabados (piano, leader)
István Grencsó (saxophones, flute)
Zsolt Vaskó (saxophones, flute)
Ákos Szelevényi (saxophones)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Albert Márkos (cello)
Ervin Malina (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (drums)

audio info GSA2007CD2  later in 2007 released on CD: “MU Színház – Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál 2007/2” – GyőrFree Műhely 2007 – CD 2
  Video recording

2007, 25 Sept.

   Poem: B. Gy. Sztúpája (Der Stupa von György Bernáth), published in 2011

2007, 27 Oct.

Concert of the New Dimension Workshop in the Palace of Arts, Festival Theatre, Budapest (HU)

New Dimension Workshop:
Szabados György (piano)

Klenyán Csaba clarinet
Jávorka Ádám (viola)
Babits Antal (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)

  Announcement: Elégia 1956 premier a MÜPÁban – hirextra.hu 2007.10.25
  [In: Heti Válasz, 2007/10/25, page 56]

  KOLOZSI LÁSZLÓ: Elégikus hangon ötvenhatról [In: Magyar Hírlap, 2007/10/27, page 19]

2007, 4 – 6 Nov.

Solo recording of the studio album for CD release “Boldogasszony földje (Harangok)/ The land of Boldogasszony (Bells)” in the rehearsal room of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra in the Palace Of Arts, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

audio info liner_notes GSPA2007F  The CD was released in 2008: “Boldogasszony földje (Harangok)/The land of Boldogasszony (Bells)” – BMC Records (Hungary) BMC CD 130

2007, 7 Nov.

Concert within the programs of the ARBOS Improvisative Jazz Evenings with the New Dimension Workshop in the Bartók Béla Music School, Vác (HU) 

New Dimension Workshop:
Szabados György (piano)

Klenyán Csaba clarinet
Jávorka Ádám (viola)
Babits Antal (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)

  Poster of the concert

2007, 9 Nov.

Solo concert during the II. Bárka Festival in the Bárka Színház, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Announcement of the program – szinhaz.hu 2007-10.27
  Történet azokról – Az ötvenéves Egyetemi Színpadra emlékeznek a Nemzeti Színházban [In: Népszabadság, 2007, 2 Nov., page 20]

2007, 14 Nov.

Solo concert in the Theatre Municipal de Nevers, in Nevers (F)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

2007, 23 Nov.

Solo performance in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

music  Audience recording
movie  The Kulturális és Művészeti Televizió recorded the concert and broadcasted on 03.04.2008
 Announcement among the programs: Kuturális Híradó – Zene – Jazz

2007, 27 Nov.

Hommage á Pilinszky with the contribution of György Szabados in the Apor Vilmos Katolikus Főiskola, Vác (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

 Announcement in Új Ember, 2007.11.25

2007, 28 Nov.

Solo concert within the programs of the ARBOS Improvisative Jazz Evenings in the Bartók Béla Music School, Vác (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

 Poster of the events

2007, 8 Dec.

Concert with the New Dimension Workshop in the Goethe Institut, Eckermann Coffeehouse, Budapest (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)

Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  [In: Pesti Műsor, 2007, 6 Dec., page 42]

2007, 11 Dec.

Szombathely, Agora-Salon, 6 pm
Németh Zsolt: Lecture and the presentation of the book titled The Hungarian Holy Crown. The book is presented by: György Szabados composer, pianist. Featuring piano: Edit Flier.

  Könyv a magyar Szent Koronáról (Book about the Hungarian Holy Crown) [In: Vas Népe, 2007/12/10, page 7]
  Rendezvény, Szombathely (Event, Szombathely) [In: Vas Népe, 2007/12/11, page 15]
 Merklin Tímea: A Szent Korona mint “élőlény”. Fizikus írta a könyvet a királyi beavatásról (The Holy Crown as a “living being”. The physicist wrote the book about the royal initiation) [In: Vas Népe, 2007/12/14, page 7]

2007, 27 Dec.

Kassák Christmas with the New Dimension Workshop in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)

  Announcement of the program: Kassák (klub) után, szabadon – zajlik.hu 2007.12.18
  [In: Pesti Műsor, 2007, 27 Dec., page 37]


 PDF Downloadnews_ge PDF Download  Interview by Tamás Régheny: Az improvizáció időtlen üzenete (The Timeless message of the Improvisation / Die zeitlose Botschaft der Improvisation) [In: okotaj.hu, 2008]


 Interview by Péter Pallai and György Kerekes with György Szabados 


 Szabados György tells about himself in the yearbook of Napút: – 81 outstanding septuagenarians (Nyolcvanegy jeles hetvenes) (In: Napút, 2008. október)

 Information about the book


Release of the CD: “Boldogasszony földje (Harangok)/The land of Boldogasszony (Bells)” – BMC Records (Hungary) BMC CD 130, recorded 4-6 November, 2007 in the rehearsal room of the Hungarian National Philharmonic Orchestra in the Palace of Arts, Budapest (HU)

audio info liner_notes GSPA2007F

2008, 9 Jan.

  György Szabados: Előszó (foreword to Írások I.) [In: Szabados György – Írások I., 2008]

2008, 26 Mar.

Solo concert and book presentation: Szabados György – Írások I., in the AGORA-Szalon Szombathely in Szombathely (HU) 
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Article by Timea Merklin: A legtitkosabb hatalomról [In: Vas Népe, 29 March 2008, p.15]
  Announcement of the evening
  Írások I. (Studies, Essays) – ISBN-No. 978-963-733-429-0; 307 pages – released by publishing house: B.K.L. Kiadó, Szombathely (HU)

2008, 12 Apr.

audio  Broadcasting of the interview by László Németh B. with György Szabados for the  Independent Hungarian Radio, Toronto

2008, May

 Interview by Károly Boros: Szabados György zeneszerző és orvos (In: Demokrata 14 May 2008)

2008, 30 May

Presentation of the book Írások I. (Studies, Essays)”  in the Miskolc City Library, Mindszent tér 2, Miskolc (HU) 

  Írások I. (Studies, Essays), 307 pages, by the publishing house B.K.L. Kiadó in Szombathely (HU) – ISBN-No. 978-963-733-429-0

2008, 11 June

Presentation of the book in the Litea Szalon in Budapest (HU): Irások I.
Publishing of the first volume of writings: “Írások I. (Studies, Essays)” 307 pages by the publishing house B.K.L. Kiadó / Szombathely (HU)

  Information about the book Írások I. (Studies, Essays) – ISBN-No. 978-963-733-429-0
  Egy este Szabados Györggyel (One night with George Szabados) [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2008, 11 June, page 14]

2008, 18 June

Exhibition Expanzió XX. In the Magyar Műhely Galéria, Akácfa utca., Budapest(HU)
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Ekszpanzió XX. az Akácfa utcában [In: Napút, 2008.augusztus, page 90]
  Thoughts of György Szabados for the opening of the exhibition Expanzió XX. In the Magyar Műhely Galéria, Akácfa utca., Budapest(HU) [In: Napút 2011/5.(July) p.3-9]

2008, 2 Aug.

A duo concert was planned György Szabados & Joëlle Léandre in Magyarkanizsa, Serbia but was cancelled due to health reasons of Mr. Szabados

   Posters of the planned concert

2008, 13 Sept.

A concert was planned with the Roscoe Mitchell Quartet during the Jazz, Improvisative Music Festival in Magyarkanizsa, Serbia but was cancelled due to health reasons of Mr. Szabados

  Poster of the planned concert

2008, 7 Nov.

Contribution to the Hamvas Béla Memorial Day in Szentendre (HU) with solo concert
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

  Announcement of the program: Hamvas Béla-emléknap in Szentendre és vidéke 2008.10.17
  Announcement of the program:Hamvas Béla Emléknap in litera.hu 2008.11.05

2008, 5 Dec.

Honoured with the Magyar Jazz Díj (Hungarian Jazz Price) by the music magazine Gramofon for his outstanding role, which he played in the development of the contemporary improvisative music, the activities of MAKUZ during several decades, and for his solo CD: “Boldogasszony földje (Harangok)/The land of Boldogasszony (Bells)”

 Short note [In: MEDIAWAVE 2008.12.08]
 Gramofon Price 2008
Interview by Barbara Bércesi: Fohász Boldogasszony földjéért (In: Gramofon, 2008-2009 winter)
  Gramofon-fődíjak a zenekritikusoktól [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2008/12/16, page 14]


 György Szabados: Lászlóffy Aladár 1937-2009 [In: Magyar Szemle, 2009]


  György Szabados: Művészet-patikus (Búcsúzás Leszták Tibortól) – Art Pharmacy (Farewell to Tibor Leszták) [In: Parallel 14., 2009]


Awarded with the price “For parallel culture (Párhuzamos kultúráért)” bestowed by the MEDIAWAVE Foundation during the MEDIAWAVE Festival

  Short Clip from the award ceremony 


 Publishing of the Reclam Jazzlexikon – article by Wolf Kampmann about György Szabados (Reclam 2009)

2009, 14 Feb.

Shooting of a short film in his home in Nagymaros for HírTV.

movie_hu  Short portrait broadcasted by HírTV (6:10′ minutes)

2009, 19 Feb.

 PDF Download PDF Download  Tamás Kobzos Kiss talks with György Szabados and Zoltán Bicskei: Hogy a Teremtőhöz méltó legyen (To be worthy of the Creator / Würdig sein gegenüber dem Schöpfer) on the premises of the Hungarian Art Academy [In: Kortárs Online, 2012, January]

2009 Spring

Shooting of a short film in his home in Nagymaros for the DUNA TV’s program: “Vannak vidékek –  A Duna-kanyar: Szabados György Nagymaroson, broadcasted on 29 November 2009

movie_hu  Excerpt of the film ‘György Szabados in Nagymaros’ (4:32′ minutes)

2009, 16 Mar.

MAKUZ performs in the Palace of Arts – Festival Theatre (MÜPA), Budapest (HU)
György Szabados with MAKUZ:
György Szabados (piano)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
István Grencsó (tenor saxophone)
Ákos Szelevényi (soprano and tenor saxophone, bass clarinet)
Mihály Dresch (soprano and tenor saxophone, bass clarinet, pipe)
Zsolt Vaskó (alto saxophone, piccolo, pipes, Jew’s harp)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Albert Márkos (cello)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló  (drums, percussion)
Tamás Geröly  (drums, percussion)

audio info  Audience recording
movie_hu  TV Clip – announcement of the concert in the program “Kikötő” in Duna TV on 13.03.2009 (2:01′ minutes)
news_hu  Article by Kornél Zipernovszy: Udvari zenekar a Palotában (MÜPA Magazin, 2009-II)

2009, 12 Apr.

 Philip Rákay talks with György Szabados in the program “Merre tovább kultúra?”(Where you go, culture?) in the HírTV. The program was broadcasted again on the 14th April.

2009, 18 Apr.

Solo performance in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

info_hu  [In: Pesti Műsor, 2009, 16 April, page 58]

2009, 19 Apr.

Septet concert during the GyőrFree Workshop Festival in the MU Theater, Budapest (HU).
György Szabados Septet:
György Szabados (piano)
Szabolcs Szőke (gadulka, mbira, aquaphon)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Béla Burány (soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Ernő Hock (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)

audio info GyörFree2009    The CD is released later in the year: “GyőrFree Szabadzenei Műhely a MU Színházban 2009” – GyőrFree Műhely CD
info_hu  The festival’s program

2009, July

 Interview by Tamás Deme with György Szabados: Honfoglaló csábítás (In: Magyar Napló 2009, July)

2009, 9 July

Thursday 18:00-18:20.
Musical afternoon. About music (Muzsikáló délután. A zenéről)

Szabados György 70 years old (Szabados György hetvenéves)
Interview with music, reporter Veisz Gábor

  Radio recording

2009, 11 July

”Music’s big free man” – marathon concert to honour György Szabados on the occasion of his 70th birthday, with his personal contribution in the Bátor Park Panzió during the XVII. Szárnyas Sárkány Hete Utcaszínház Fesztivál (XVII. Winged Dragon Street Theater Festival) in Nyírbátor (HU)
György Szabados (reading 2 of his poems)
Music contributors:
Tamás Kobzos Kiss
Róbert Benkő
Zoltán Kátai
Béla Ágoston
Szabolcs Szőke
Evelin Tóth
Zsolt Hatvani
Szilárd Mezei

10 minutes of the program of the marathon concert 
  Program brochure of the event
related_items  Pictures

2009, 5 Sept.

Concert with MAKUZ during the 38th Debrecen Jazz Days, Debrecen (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
names of other musicians are not known

  Announcement of the events by Krisztina Pálfi: Minden a jazzről szól – (mno. 2009.08.28)

2009, Autumn

 PDF Download   Andrew Choate talks with György Szabados: Ahol a föld és az ég összeér (Where earth and sky come together / Wo Himmel und Erde sich treffen) [In: Facsimile Magazine 2011, February]

2009, 3 Oct.

Saturday. 1:00 – 2:00. 
World stars in Hungary (Világsztárok Magyarországon)
The Braxton-Szabados duo at the Debrecen Jazz Days (A Braxton-Szabados duó a Debreceni Jazz Napokon)
29 Jun 1984 Debrecen, Hungary (1984.jún.29. Debrecen)
Members of the duo:
Anthony Braxton – saxophone
György Szabados – piano 

  Radio recording

2009, 9 Oct.

 Interview by Félix Fenyvesi: Istenhez kötődő csoda (Arcok örökidőben – Chapter in the book: Huszonkilenc beszélgetés 1956-ról, Napkút Kiadó, 2009)

  Information about the book

2009, 3 Nov.

Tuesday 23:30 – 23.55
Ars nova – music of the XX-XXI century
Antal Babits: Pentaton Mantra (2005)
György Szabados – piano,
Csaba Klenyán – clarinet,
Ádám Jávorka – bass violin,
Antal Babits – bass clarinet 

  Radio recording

2009, 24 Nov.

Duo concert with Szilárd Mezei in the “Porgy & Bess Klub”, Vienna (A)
György Szabados & Szilárd Mezei Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)

audio info  Audience recording
  Announcement by Ágnes Horváth: Mezei Szilárd Bécsben – in Magyar Szó 2009.11.21


György Szabados wrote the liner notes for CD: Madárdal Zenekar ‎– Égen Megyen Egy Madár / A Bird Is Moving Across The Sky

liner_notes  LINER NOTES in Hungarian
  CD – Madárdal Zenekar ‎– Égen Megyen Egy Madár / A Bird Is Moving Across The Sky (2010) – (Madárdal Self-released)

2010, March

 Interview by György Batta with György Szabados: A magyarság nem anyagi, hanem szellemi kategória (In: Itthon, 4 March 2010)

2010, 9 May

Concert with the GyőrFree Improvizatívzenei Műhely (Improvisative Music Workshop) in the MU Theater, Budapest (HU).
György Szabados (piano)
Szabolcs Szőke (gadulka, mbira, aquaphon)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Béla Burány (soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone)
Endre Liber (violin)
with more invited musicians:
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Dani Váczi (reeds)
Albert Márkos (cello)
Gergely Ittzés (flute)

info_hu  Program of the event

2010, Aug.

  Interview by Badacsony T. Örs with György Szabados: A harmónia kultusza (The Cult of Harmony) [In: Szabados György: Írások III. Szombathely, 2015]

2010, 20 Aug.

Honorary citizen of Nagymaros

2010, 10 Sept.

Duo concert of György Szabados & Joëlle Léandre during the 16th  Jazz and Improvised Music Festival 2010, in Magyarkanizsa, Serbia
György Szabados & Joëlle Léandre Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Joëlle Léandre (double bass)

audio info liner_notes szabadosleandreborito  The CD will be released in 2011: “Szabados & Léandre – Live at Magyarkanizsa” – BMC Records (Hungary) BMC CD 183
  Video of the concert
info_hu info_en  The festival’s program flyer (2 pages)
related_items  Photos

2010, Oct.

 Tibor Vadócz translated Bert Noglik’s article “Forgotten Songs – György Szabados Portrait” from 1987, published in 1990 in his book: Klangspuren – Wege improvisierter Musik, by Verlag Neue Musik, Berlin. The translation into Hungarian is published in Alföld, October 2010.

 Noglik, Bert: Klangspuren – Wege improvisierter Musik (publishing house: Verlag Neue Musik Berlin): page 10 – 38: György Szabados: Forgotten Songs  

2010, 13 Oct.

Solo concert during the Vilnius Jazz Days 2010, Vilnius (LT)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)

music  Audience recording  (2nd encore, 2:44 minutes)
movie  Video recording (2nd encore, 2:44 minutes)
  Announcement of the concert
  The Hungarian Embassy’s short news about the concert mfa.gov.hu.kulkepviselet

2010, 19 Nov.

György Szabados opens the Jazz Photo Exhibition of László Dormán in the Voke Arany János – House of Culture in Győr (HU)

 About the event

2011, 15 Mar.

info_en  The Kossuth Prize is bestowed on György Szabados by the President of the Hungarian Republic
related_items  Pictures of the cermony
news_hu  Awarding and tribute to all awardees 
news_hu  Article by László Juhász, published online, Improv.hu 2011, 15 March
movie_hu  Short TV Clip by Duna TV on 16.03.2011 about the awarding ceremony (8 sec.)
 Article by Végh Alpár Sándor: Köznapló: Március 16., szerda [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2011, 19 March, p.37]
 Article by Gábor Tölgyesi: Az útkereső nem hazudhat – A tiszta szív logikája és Liszt Ferenc példája · Kossuth-díjjal tüntették ki Szabados György zeneszerzőt [In: Magyar Nemzet, 2011, 23 March, p.15]

movie_hu  TV Clip by the MTV1 on the 11.06.2011: News about the death of György Szabados and reference to the award ceremony of the Kossuth Prize on 15.03.2011 (45 sec.)

2011, 10 June

He passed away in Nagymaros
news_hu  death notice: Page 1
news_hu  death notice: Page 2/3

2011, 11 June

In Memoriam:

movie_hu  TV Clip by the MTV1 on the 11.06.2011: News about the death of György Szabados and reference to the award ceremony of the Kossuth Prize on 15.03.2011 (45 sec.)
  Tribute by Zoltán Bicskei: In Memoriam Szabados György
  Tribute by Kornál Zipernovszky: Meghalt Szabados György (Fidelio.hu)
  Grencsó – Tickmayer – Geröly Trio: Hommage á Szabados György – Mediawave Festival closing ceremony in Szombathely

2011, 14  – 31 June

In Memoriam:

  June 14: Zoltán Bicskei: In Memoriam Szabados György 1939 – 2011 [Magyar Szó 2011/06/14, page 9]
  June 14: Tölgyesi: Egy világhírű független szellem (A world-famous independent spirit) [Magyar Nemzet 2011/06/14, page 15]
  June 16: Homage á György Szabados by the participants of MEDIAWAVE during the closing ceremony
  June 18: Sándor Végh Alpár : Köznapló (Public Diary) [Magyar Nemzet, 2011/06/18, page 29]
  June 18: Zoltán Hegyi: MINDENZENE – A dzsessz és a világ (ALL MUSIC – Jazz and the world) [Magyar Nemzet, 2011/06/18, page 33]
  June 28: Death notice [Magyar Nemzet, 2011/06/28, page 18]
  June 30:  Sose felejtsétek el ezt a világot! – Szabados Györgyre emlékezünk – article in Magyar Színházi Portál
   June 31.: Radio program of OE1 (AT): “Klingender Nachruf auf György Szabados” with Andreas Felber
  June: Eulogy by Fonó Budai Zeneház: Meghalt Szabados György 
 June: Thoughts of commemoration by Botond Elekes: Néhány gondolat Szabados Györgyre emlékezve

2011, 27 June

 Gyógyító ember (Healing Man) Gyula Kodolányi talks with Antall István about György Szabados (Szabados Györgyről beszélget Kodolányi Gyula Antall Istvánnal)

2011, 30 June

Funeral in the Farkasréti cemetery in Budapest following the Roman Catholic liturgy

news_hu  Csaba Sánta István’s photo report, published online JazzMa, 2011, 01 July

2011, 30 June

Music in honour of György Szabados in the Fonó Budai Music House, Budapest (HU)

2011-06-30_virrasztas-fono_program_front  audio   3 CDs released later in 2011: Virrasztás (Vigil) in memoriam and in honour of György Szabados – GyőrFree Műhely 

2011, 30 – 31 June

Mourning ceremony in Visegrád (HU) with contribution of artists, writers, musicians

news_hu  Program announcement

2011, 2 July

Memorial service for György Szabados in the catholic church in Nagymaros

2011, 23 July

According few article was planning a Szabados solo concert in Gyulai vár jazz fesztivál in 2011.
Because of his death the fellow musicians playing memorial concert to Szabados György.

  [In: Grammofon, 2011 (16. évfolyam, 1-4. szám)]
  Turi Gábor [In: Magyar nemzet, 25 July 2011. p.15.]

2011, 4 Aug.
2011, 5 Aug.
2011, 6 Aug.
2011, 7 Aug.

Performance: sziklarajz.hu – by Zsámbéki Színházi Bázis and Kompánia Színház in the Zsámbéki színházi bázis, Etyeki u. 2., Zsámbék (HU)
Directed by: László Lukács
Actors: Násfa Hantos, Rozália Kemény, Henrietta Szalay, Zoltán Mózes, Mihály Lukács, László Lukács, Zita Mayer 
Musicians: Miklós Heppes, Christopher Kovács-Carlile, László Lukács
Fine artists: Sona Bellerová (SK), Máté Lukács, Anna Börcsök
The performance is a continuation and further reflection of the Kolinda “The Sons Turned Into Stags”, the composition of György Szabados with same title and the path designated by the author.

  [In: Pesti Műsor, 2011, 1 Aug., page 25]
  Website: Kompánia Színház
  “To become a stag” – Interview with director László Lukács – Nóra Váradi [In: harag.eu, 2011, 8 Aug.]

2011, Sept.

In Memoriam:

  Ferenc Sinkovics: Szabados György őstudása (The study of György Szabados) [In: Magyar Hirlap, 2011/9, 2011, 3. Sept., page 46]
  Personal words and commemoration of musician friends shortly after his death [In: Gramofon 2011/3]

2011, Autumn

Publishing of the book: “Írások II. (Poems 1965 – 2011)”, by the publishing house: B.K.L. Kiadó / Szombathely (HU)

  Írások II. (Poems 1965 – 2011)  – ISBN-No. 978-963-7334-29-0; 164 pages
news_hu  About the book

2011, Autumn

The CD is released posthumously: “György Szabados/Joëlle Léandre: Live at Magyarkanizsa” – BMC Records (Hungary) BMC CD 183, recorded live on the 10 September 2010 during the Jazz and Improvisative Music Festival in Magyarkanizsa (SR)

audio info liner_notes szabadosleandreborito

2011, 13 Oct.

Memorial concert with the Ernő Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Gábor Hollerung and the National Choir during the Cafe Budapest Contemporary Art Festival in the Italian Cultural Institute
Two compositions of György Szabados were performed:
1) Time Music (Idő-zene)
2) Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
Ernő Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Gábor Hollerung
National Choir
Chorus master: Antal Mátyás (# 2)
Cecilia Lloyd (soprano) (# 2)

related_items  Composition “Time-Musik (Idő-zene)”
related_items  Composition: Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
related_items  György Szabados – String Orchestra compositions
audio info In Memoriam György Szabados CD Cover  Later in the year the CD is released : “In Memoriam Szabados György – Live album by Ernő Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra (2011)” – GyőrFree Műhely
movie  Video: Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire) (2:11′ minutes)
movie_hu  Broadcast in M1 Television: Announcement of the concert and talk with Csaba Horváth (artistic director of Café Budapest Contemporary Art Festival) and Gábor Hollerung  (9:09′ minutes)
  Poster of the concert
  Kockacukrok a pesti őszben [In: Magyar Hírlap, 2011, 16 Sept., page 12]
  In memoriam Szabados György / Café Budapest Kortárs Művészeti Fesztivál 2011 (Cafe Budapest Contemporary Art Festival, 2011)

2011, 16 Nov.

Commemorative concert in Győr (HU)
With the contribution of:
Gábor Turi (host)
István Grencsó (reeds)

 Poster of the event