PUBLISHED BOOKS – with Szabados content:
1983: Jazz Studies ’83, No. 5. Gyor 1983 (special issue of the jazz clubs at Petöfi-cultural center in Györ with articles about and by György Szabados, interviews)
1986-87: Noglik, Bert: Klangspuren – Wege improvisierter Musik (publishing house: Verlag Neue Musik Berlin, 1990: page 10 – 38: György Szabados: Forgotten Songs)
Bert Noglik – Elfelejtett énekek – Szabados György portréja
1987: Turi Gábor: Jazz from Hungary (Interconcert and the Association of Hungarian Musicians, Budapest, 1987)
1990: Szabados György & Váczi Tamás: “A zene kettős természetű fénye / The Dual Character of the Light of Music” (Studies, Essays)
1999: Simon Géza Gábor: Magyar jazztörténet (Hungarian Jazz History) [Budapest, 1999. October]
1999: Turi Gábor: A jazz ideje – Írások az improvizatív zene köréből (Osiris Kiadó, Budapest 1999)
1999: New Grove Dictionary of Jazz, two volumes, the second edition in 2002 in three volumes (published by Oxford University Press)
2000: The Essential Jazz Records (Max Harrison, Eric Thacker, Stuart Nicholson): – Volume 2: (published by Mansell Publishing Limited – 2000)
2002: Jazz Lexikon: Martin Kunzler 2002 (published by Rowohlt Germany, November 2002)
2009: Reclams Jazzlexikon: Wolf Kampmann (published by Reclam 2009)
2011: Turi Gábor: Jazz a várban – A gyulai jazzfesztiválok két évtizede (Kiadja a Gyulai Várszínház, Gyula, 2011)
2016: Yvetta Kajanová, Gertrud Pickhan and Rüdiger Ritter (Eds.), Jazz From Socialist Realism to Postmodernism. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2016, pp. 83–103. / Kapitel: Szegedi, Márton: »Hungarian Free Jazz: Kompositions- und Improvisationsstrukturen in der Musik von György Szabados am Beispiel des Stückes ›The Wedding‹. Hier in deutscher Übersetzung
2018: Bicskei Zoltán: “A Szív Sorsa – A jazz és mi”
2018: The book “The History of European Jazz – The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context” contains an article written by Gábor Turi: “Hungary – The Road to Independence” and speaks about György Szabado’s role in this context.
2019: Publishing of John Gray’s book, which includes items about György Szabados. Creative Improvised Music: An International Bibliography of the Jazz Avant-Garde, 1959–Present (Black Music Reference Series; v. 9) (656 p., cloth). ISBN: 9780984413485 published by the African Diaspora Press
2019: SZABADOS – This is the first book on György Szabados and his art which, taking a serious intellectual approach, treats the subject in an open–minded sympathetic manner. Selection of the texts, editing and drawings by Zoltán Bicskei. (ISBN 978-615-5464-85-0, 220 pages), published by the MMA Publishing House, Budapest
2020: 30 Years of Jazz – with article by Gábor Turi: The Music of Freedom with Szabados content first published by the Virginian Pilot/The Ledger Star in Norfolk, USA in 1991. [page 6-15] (ISBN 978-615-01-0065-4, Printed by HTS-ART in 1000 copies, 79 pages), published by the Hungarian Jazz Federation
2021: Mathias Bäumel, Grenzen erfahren. Erkundungen in Pannonien. Dresden: Verlag SchumacherGebler, pp. 13–14.
2021: Timo Hoyer, Anthony Braxton – Creative Music. Hofheim: Verlag Wolke, pp. 346–347 & 412 – 413
2022: Gábor Turi: “Magyar jazznapló (Hungarian Jazz Diary)”, a collection of writings covering 45 years. It includes a special chapter, 40 pages on György Szabados (page 335-373). Gondolat Kiadó, ISBN 9786935562466
2022: Wolfram Knauer (Hg.) – ROOTS | HEIMAT – Diversity in Jazz: it contains a lecture of Ádám Havas where he deals from page 115 – 117 with the role of Szabados in the formation of an independent Hungarian free jazz ideom (in German language). Verlag Wolke – ISBN: 978-3-95593-017-2