Go to other years:
1991, 12 Jan.
Saturday 23.45-00.35.
TV2 – Szabados György zongorázik (51′)
Solo concert, probably 1990 unknown month/day. The concert was filmed by Szántó Ferenc and later shown on TV2 with the title “A Szent Főnixmadár dürrögései (Rutting of the Sacred Phoenix Bird)”
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Color TV video recording
Audience recording
Alternativ Black & White Version:
Released as “LOST FRAGMENTS” on MEDIAWAVE Regional Film und TV Archives
Black & white video / LOST FRAGMENTS
1991, 2 Feb.
Solo concert in the Bimhuis in Amsterdam (NL)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1991, 4 Feb.
Solo concert in the Café Wilhelmina in Eindhoven (NL)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1991, 9 Feb.
Solo concert in the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam (NL)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1991 Spring
Concert with MAKUZ (Sextet) in the Youth House (Ifjúsági Ház) in Szeged (H) as the closing performance of the event „Mr. Jazz és társai” (Mr. Jazz and his companions)
György Szabados (leader, piano, vocal-recital)
Mihály Dresch (woodwinds)
István Grencsó (woodwinds)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
plus maybe
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
1991, 14 March
1991, 12 April
1991, 16 April
1991, 23 April
1991, 18 or 19 May
1991, 28 June
Recording of the CD: A Szent Főnixmadár Dürrögései (Rutting of the Sacred Phoenix Bird) – live during the Münster Jazz Festival (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano – Steinway C model)
The CD was released in 1997: A Szent Főnixmadár Dürrögései – Koncert felvétel” Szabados és Tsa. Kkt. (Hungary) S 001
Solo concert in the Vigadó, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1991, 10-12 Sept.
Recording of the CD Homoki zene (Sand Music) in the Szombathelyi Modern Képtár in Szombathely (HU)
György Szabados & MAKUZ:
György Szabados (leader, piano)
Róbert Benkő (cello, double bass)
Mihály Dresch Dudás (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, blockflute)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
István Grencsó (alto saxophone)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Attila Lőrinszky (double bass)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Zsolt Vaskó (piccolo, blockflute, soprano saxophone, jew’s harp, flute)
The CD: Homoki zene (Sand Music) was released in 1991, Adyton 005
1991, 22 Sept.
1991, 28 Sept.
Solo concert – for opening the season in the MAKÁM Club
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1991, 17 Oct.
Performing the composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) in the Auditorium Maximum of the Kossuth Lajos University in Debrecen (HU)
György Szabados (prepared piano)
Tamás „Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Mihály Dresch (flute, bass clarinet, pipe)
István Grencsó (flute, alto clarinet, pipe)
Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
Information about where and when the composition was performed
Gábor Turi: A tribute to 1956, in Jazz Forum No. 132, published 1992.
Gábor Turi : Zenei tisztelgés 1956 emléke előtt in Hajdú-bihari Napló, 1991
Musicians of MAKUZ are playing in the second part of the concert:
György Szabados (leader, piano)
Mihály Dresch (flute, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone)
István Grencsó (flute, alto clarinet, alto saxophone)
Ferenc Kovács (violin, trumpet)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
Audience recording of the complete performance
1991, 5 Nov.
Performing the composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) in the Aula, Veszprémi Egyetem, in Veszprém (HU)
György Szabados (prepared piano)
Tamás „Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Mihály Dresch (flute, bass clarinet, pipe)
István Grencsó (flute, alto clarinet, pipe)
Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)
Information about where and when the composition was performed
Musicians of MAKUZ are playing in the second part of the concert:
György Szabados (leader, piano)
Mihály Dresch (flute, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone)
István Grencsó (flute, alto clarinet, alto saxophone)
name of the other musiciians not known
Az események titkos története (1956) [In: Veszprémi napló, 1991, 4 Nov.]
Jazz-zenészek emlékeztek a forradalomra. [In: Veszprémi napló, 1991, 7 Nov., page 5]
1991, 16 Nov.
Solo concert & MAKUZ concert in the Vigadó in Budapest (HU)
I. György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
II: MAKUZ playing the musical performance of the Governor’s Death
György Szabados (conductor, piano)
Tamás „Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
István Grencsó (reeds)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet, tuba)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass, cello)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
Video recording (incomplete)
Audience recording (solo)
Audience recording (MAKUZ)
Audience recording (Solo & MAKUZ)
Interview with György Szabados by Ádám Tóth: “A Magyar Királyi Udvari Zenekar a Vigadóban” published in Pesti műsor (weekly program magazin) 1991/46(Nov.15-21.) p.5.
1991, Oct., Nov., or Dec.
Go to other years:
Solo concert in Transylvania (today: RO)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1992, 16 Feb.
1992, 2 April
Concert with the Vents D’est Montanaro in the Concert Hall of the Slovakian Radio in Bratislava (SK)
György Szabados (piano)
Miquéu Montanaro (flute, galoubet tambourin)
Márta Sebestyén (vocal)
Tamás “Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Ghymes Ensemble
Gyöngyi Écsi
Alan Vitous
Csaba Ökrös (violine)
Vujicsics Ensemble
Advertisement in the Új Szó, 31.03.1992
1992, 3 April
Concert with the Vents D’est Montanaro in the Cultural Centre of Galánta (SK)
György Szabados (piano)
Miquéu Montanaro (flute, galoubet tambourin)
Márta Sebestyén (vocal)
Tamás “Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Ghymes Ensemble
Gyöngyi Écsi
Alan Vitous
Csaba Ökrös (violine)
Vujicsics Ensemble
1992, 4 April
Concert with the Vents D’est Montanaro in the Cultural Centre of Párkány (Sturovo, SK)
György Szabados (piano)
Miquéu Montanaro (flute, galoubet tambourin)
Márta Sebestyén (vocal)
Tamás “Kobzos” Kiss (vocal)
Ghymes Ensemble
Gyöngyi Écsi
Alan Vitous
Csaba Ökrös (violine)
Vujicsics Ensemble
1992, 26 April
1992, 24 April to 16 May
1992, May
Interview by Tóth Ádám with György Szabados about the Dance-Opera: The Governor’s Death (A kormányzó halála)
A “megtorpedózott” kormányzó [In: Pesti Műsor, 1992, 15 May, page 2]
Composition: A kormányzó halála (The Governor’s Death/ La mort de l’empereur)
Information about where and when the composition and the ballet were performed
1992, 1 May
Solo concert during the International Festival of Visual Arts (Mediawave Festival), in Győr-Novákpuszta Shooting range, Győr (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Article by György Szabados about the 10th anniversary of the jazz initiative by the Youth House of Győr.
Program booklet
Announcement of the concert
1992, 12 May
Concert with MAKUZ in the Óbudai Társas Kör in Budapest (HU) – A contribution to the remembrance program of the poet József Bakucz
György Szabados (piano)
name of the other musicians is not known
1992, 23 May
Concert with MAKUZ in the Zeneakadémia in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
name of the other musicians is not known
Folytassa, Tanár úr! [In: Hegyi Hill Zoltán. Reform 1993/18., 30 April, page 45]
Bankó András: Föltámasztott fesztivál – Etno-az ínyenceknek [In: Új Magyarország, 1992, 23 May, page 9]
1992, 30 May
1992, 11 July
Two concerts on this day during the Jazz Jamboree in Veszprém (HU)
I. Concert with MAKUZ in the Piarists’ church
György Szabados (piano)
name of the other musicians is not known
II. Szabados Sextet on the Open air stage of the Veszprém Culture Centre and Youth House:
György Szabados (piano)
name of the other musicians is not known
1992, 14 Aug.
1992, 28 Sept.
Trio concert during the Kortárs Zenei Napok ’92 Festival in the Petőfi Csarnok in Budapest (HU)
Szabados – Dresch – Lőrinszky Trio:
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (bass clarinet, soprano saxophone)
Lőrinszky Attila (double bass)
Program Kortárs Zenei Napok ’92 [In: Pesti Műsor, 1992, 25 Sept., page 62]
1992, 17 Oct.
Trio concert during the Budapest Autumn Festival in the Petőfi Csarnok in Budapest (HU)
Szabados – Dresch – Lőrinszky Trio:
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (bass clarinet, soprano saxophone)
Lőrinszky Attila (double bass)
The composition Tündérek (Fairies) was posthumously released on the CD: Szabad Egyensúlyok (Free Balances) in 2014
Audience recording
The CD Szabad Egyensúlyok (Free Balances) was released in 2014 by GyőrFree Műhely
between 1992, 23 Oct. and 08 Nov.
A performance was scheduled during the KONSTANZER JAZZHERBST 1992 in Konstanz (DE). A talk was planned between György Szabados and Bert Noglik. Unfortunately, György Szabados could not attend the event; therefore, Bert Noglik held a lecture on him with musical excerpts.
1992, Nov.
Solo concert during the Improvised Music Festival in Berlin (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1992, 26 Dec.
Jazz Christmas with MAKUZ & Duo with Félix Lajkó in the Cserepes ház (Bp.XIV.Vezér u. 28/b.), Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (piano, leader)
Mihály Dresch (woodwinds)
Ferenc Kovács (violin)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
Zsolt Vaskó (woodwinds)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
II: György Szabados & Félix Lajkó Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
Éva Kanalas (vocal), Géza Fábri (kobza)
György Szabados & MAKUZ (and Interview with Werner Wunderlich and Fazekas Pál) – December 26, 1992, Budapest, Hungary
György Szabados – Félix Lajkó Duo – December 26, 1992, Budapest, Hungary
Jazz Christmas with MAKUZ & György Szabados-Lajkó Félix Duo at Cserepes House in Budapest, 1992, 26 Dec.
Interview with Fazekas Pál
[In: Pesti Műsor, 1992, 24 Dec., page 59]
Go to other years:
Solo concert in Zenta (SR)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Solo concert in Subotica (SR)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Solo concert in the Academy of Music, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993, 23 Jan.
1993, 16 March
1993, 27 March
Solo concert in the Budapest Sportcsarnok during the XII. Országos Táncháztalálkozó (XII. Dance house reunion) in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
A compilation CD: “Budapest Folk ’93 – Live” is released in 1993 with one track presenting part of the concert. By Etnofon ER-CD 004
1993, 28 March
1993, 1 April
Concert with MAKUZ & Duo with Félix Lajkó in the Academy of Music, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (leader, piano)
Mihály Dresch Dudás (flute, soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, pipe)
István Grencsó (flute, alto saxophone)
Zsolt Vaskó (flute, soprano saxophone, pipe, jew’s harp)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet, flugelhorn)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet)
Károly Friedrich (trombone)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
II: György Szabados & Félix Lajkó Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
Radio recording (two tracks)
Complete concert (Radio/Audience recordings)
Video recording
Alternativ video recording – 1st part
Alternativ video recording – 2nd part
A part of this concert is shown in the film made in 1994 by György Szabados & Zoltán Bicskei “…hanem ez a hatalmas égbolt… (but this endless canopy of the heavens)” between 41:51 – 48:56
Poster of the concert
1993, 25 June
Solo concert in Noci (Region Bari) (IT)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
between 1993, 26 – 29. Aug.
Solo concert in Keszthely (HU) on the occasion of the Expanzió ’93
György Szabados Solo
György Szabados (piano)
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 591]
1993, 2 Oct.
1993, 10 Oct.
MAKUZ performs during the Szeged Jazz Days 1993
1993, 19 Oct.
1993, 27 Oct.
Solo concert in the Magyar Ház (Hungarian House) in Berlin (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993, 31 Oct.
1993 Autumn
Solo concert in Leipzig (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993 Autumn
Solo concert in Erfurt (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993 Autumn
Solo concert in Weimar (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993, 2 Nov.
Solo concert in Dessau (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1993, 18 Nov.
Solo concert in the Aula of the Kossuth Lajos University in Debrecen (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Poster of the concert
Program leaflet of the concert
Szabados az egyetemen [In: Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 1993/11/10, page 6]
Szabados György útja [In: Hajdú-Bihari Napló, 1993/11/18, page 7]
Go to other years:
Film essay by and with György Szabados and Zoltán Bicskei
“…hanem ez a hatalmas égbolt… (but this endless canopy of the heavens/aber dieser unendliche Himmelsbaldachin)” 62 minutes with German/English subtitles
Soundtrack of the film
Information and data about the film
TV Program 8 March, 1995, 22.00h – Újvidéki Televízió [In: MA AZ ÚJVIDÉKI TÉVÉ MŰSORÁN – Magyar Szó, 1995, 8 March, page 11]
1994, 7 Feb.
1994, 1 April
Trio concert in the Music Academy, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados Trio:
György Szabados (piano)
Dresch Mihály (reeds)
Geröly Tamás Sándor (drums, percussion)
Announcement in the program magazine ’Pesti est’ 1994/12.(márc.17-23.) p.14.
Announcement in the program magazine ’Pesti műsor’ 1994/13.(márc.31-ápr.6.) p.15.
1994, 16 April
1994, 27 April
1994, 8 May
1994, 25 May
Probably 1994, 26 May
1994, 27 May
Solo concert in the Thomas Mann Klub in Nordhausen (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1994, 29 May
Solo concert in the „Mon Ami” in Weimar (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
1994, 31 May
1994, 16 July
Lecture about improvisation and after solo concert in Keszthely (HU) on the occasion of the Expanzió ’94
György Szabados Solo:
Szabados György (prepared piano, piano)
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 134-135]
Hujber: Merre a művész s ki a kókler? : Diskurzus a Magyar Műhely-találkozó részeseivel (Which way is the artist and who is the braggart? : Discourse with the participants of the meeting Magyar műhely) [In: Zalai hírlap 1994.júl.20.sze. p.11.]
1994, 6 Aug.
1994, 24 Sept.
Trio concert during the Debrecen Jazz Days (Debreceni Jazz Napok) in the Hotel Aranybika. The Szabados Trio was the 4th group out of five on that evening and was playing about 60 minutes, Debrecen (HU).
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, pipes)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
1994, 8 Oct.
1994, 8 Oct.
Recording of the CD „Elfelejtett énekek (Forgotten Songs)” during a concert in the Montmartre Copenhagen Jazz-House in Copenhagen (DK)
György Szabados Trio:
György Szabados (piano, vocal)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
The CD is released in 1996: “Elfelejtett énekek (Forgotten Songs)” – Fonó Records FA 012-1
1994, 25 Oct.
1994 Autumn
1994, Dec.
MAKUZ performs in the Petőfi Hall in Budapest (HU). The concert was recorded by the Hungarian Radio and one track was broadcasted.
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, pipe)
Zsolt Vaskó (soprano saxophone, pipe)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Go to other years:
György Szabados, among others, answers László Hollós’ question in the article: A lélek elveszejtett kertje [In: https://epa.oszk.hu/00000/00005/00010/zona02.html]
1995, 14 Feb.
1995, 13 March
Trio concert in the Youth House in Szeged (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
Tamás Geröly (drums)
plus Róbert Benkő (double bass)
1995, 14 March
1995, 16 March
Trio Concert in the M-Studio in Novi Sad (SR)
György Szabados (piano)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
Tamás Geröly (drums)
plus Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Szabó Palócz Attila: Ősi, eredeti és időtlen törvényszerűségek [In: Magyar Szó, 18 March 1995]
MA ÚJVIDÉKEN [In: Magyar Szó, 16 March 1995, page 13]
MA AZ ÚJVIDÉKI TÉVÉ MŰSORÁN [In: Magyar Szó, 8 March 1995, page 11]
1995, Spring
Duna TV: Asztaltársaság XIV : Vendégségben Szabados Györgynél – (Company at table XIV – As a guest of György Szabados in Nagymaros)
Anchorman: Ferenc Temesi (writer)
Zoltán Bicskei (graphic artist)
Dudás Mihály Dresch (musician)
György Erdélyi (performer)
Tamás Horváth (writer)
Szabados György
Duna TV – Asztaltársaság XIV.
TV Program (Duna TV – 1995, 14 Sept., 20:00 – 20:45h)
TV Program (Duna TV – 1995, 1 Sept., 16:30-17:15h)
1995, 2 June
1995, 11 June
between 1995, 30 June – 2 July
Solo concert in Vác (HU) on the occasion of the Expanzió ’95
György Szabados Solo
György Szabados (piano)
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 591]
1995, 23 July
1995, 14 Aug.
1995, Sept.
1995, 1 Sept.
1995, 1 Sept.
1995, 15 Sept.
Performance of MAKUZ during the Festival Jazz in Kanizsa , improvisative Music in Magyarkanizsa (SR)
György Szabados (piano, leader)
Johannes Bauer (trombone)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
Zsolt Vaskó (reeds)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
RTV Video recording
alternativ Video recording
Audio recording
Dzsessz, improvizációs zene… [In: Magyar Szó, 22. March 1995, page 11]
About the festival by Attila Szabó Palócz: Zene, pénz és szervezés [In: Magyar Szó, 26. September 1995]
Szabó Palócz Attila: Jazz, improvizatív zene… [In: Napló – Szabadelvű hetilap, 1995. szeptember 27.]
Attila Szabó Palócz’ interview with György Szabados: Csak jazz és semmi más [In: Magyar Szó, 4 October 1995]
Attila Szabó Palócz’ interview with György Szabados: Csak jazz és semmi más (2) [In: Magyar Szó, 18 October 1995]
Attila Szabó Palócz’ interview with György Szabados: A folytonosságban élni – Szabados György a kanizsai jazzfesztiválon [In: Magyar Szó, 28 November 1995]
1995, 16 Sept.
1995, 17 Sept.
’Jazz and improvisative music’ MAKUZ performs in the Jogi Kar Díszterem of ELTE University in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (piano, leader)
Johannes Bauer (trombone)
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
István Grencsó (reeds)
Zsolt Vaskó (reeds)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
István Baló (drums, percussion)
Poster of the concert
1995, 26 Sept.
1995, 30 Sept.
1995, 25 Oct.
Received the Anna Neufeld memorial award in Vác
1995, 27 Dec.
Performance of MAKUZ in the Fonó, Budapest (HU), without György Szabados due to his illness
Mihály Dresch (reeds)
István Grencsó (reeds)
Félix Lajkó (violin)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Sándor Szabó (guitar)
Zoltán Krulik (guitar)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (drums, percussion)
Gábor Turi’s article: Kézfogások a Fonóban [In: Film, Színház, Muzsika, 1996]