2001 or 2002
Solo concert in Taiwan
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Awarded with the “Szabó Gábor Life Achievement Award” by the Hungarian Jazz Federation
2001, 22 March
2001, 7 May
2001, 27 May
2001, 28 May
2001, 15 June
Solo concert in the Művészetek Háza in Szombathely (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2001, 8 – 9 Aug.
Recording of the CD with the performance of the György Szabados & Miklós Mákó duo in the Hall of the University of Veszprém (HU)
György Szabados & Miklós Mákó Duo:
György Szabados (piano, using Yamaha concert piano)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
The CD was released in 2004, 16 December: A szépség szíve (The Heart of Beauty) Fonó Records FA-213-2
A comment from 2008, 12 January: freejazzblog.org by Stef
Interview with György Szabados by Róbert Maloschik in the program “Jazz portrait” broadcasted in 2003 in Petőfi Rádió (Budapest, HU) mainly about the CD
Gábor Turi’s writing about the CD, published in Gramofon, 2005/1 & online 2016 on Gábor Turi’s website
Writing of Zoltán Bicskei about the CD: “Égi úton” (On celestial path) (2004)
Sketches for the cover by Zoltán Bicskei
2001, 30 Aug.
2001, 12 Oct.
2001, 16 Nov.
2001, 30 Nov.
2001, December
2001, 27 Dec.
Solo concert & concert probably with the MAKUZ in the Fonó Budai Music Hall, Budapest (HU) – Kassák Christmas (Kassák Karácsony)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
György Szabados (piano)
name of the MAKUZ members are not known
Kultúrális hírek. Fonó-karácsony – valasz.hu 2001.12.21.
2001, 29 Dec.
Quartet concert during the Győri Jazz Karácsony (Christmas jazz concert), Győr (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
Ferenc Németh (tenor saxophone)
Antal Babits (clarinet)
Iván Nesztor (drums)
Release as CD in 2002: Győri Jazz Karácsony – 2001.: Szabados – Németh – Babits – Nesztor (HCD – Made in fifteen numbered copies)
2002, 13 Feb.
2002, 01 May
2002, 15 June
2002, 17 June
2002, 29 June
Solo concert in Nagymaros (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2002, 24 Aug.
Recording of the double CD GyőrFree Jazz esték IX, 2002 in the Petőfi Sándor Művelődési Ház, Győr (HU)
György Szabados & Miklós Mákó Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
GyőrFree Improvised Music Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Endre Juhász (oboe)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)
Csaba Gyulai (percussion)
Released in 2002: GyőrFree Jazz Esték XI. 2002.
2002, 30 Aug.
2002, Sept.
Solo concert in Szeged (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2002, 11 Oct.
2002, 25 Oct.
2002, 27 Oct.
GyőrFree Workshop Festival during the Budapest Automn Festival in the MU Theatre, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
GYÖRFREE – Workshop Ensemble:
György Szabados (piano)
István Grencsó (tenor saxophone)
Béla Burány (saxophones)
Szabolcs Szőke (kalimba)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
György Jeszenszky (drums)
The concerts were recorded and 3 CDs were released in 2002:
Compilation CD: Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál a MU Színházban 2002 (Solo & Ensemble)
Győrfree Szabadzenei Műhely 2002 cd-VII. (Ensemble)
Győrfree Szabadzenei Műhely 2002 cd-VI. (Solo)
Program poster (2 pages)
Kortárs műhely Győrben [In: Népszava 2002, 25 Oct., page 13]
2002, Nov.
2002, Dec.
Broadcasting of the interview with György Szabados by Róbert Maloschik in “Jazz portrait” about the CD “A szépség szíve (The Heart of Beauty)” recorded in August 2001 with Szabados György & Mákó Miklós Duo
“Jazz portrait” broadcasted in Petőfi Rádió, Budapest
The CD was released in 2004, 16 December: A szépség szíve (The Heart of Beauty) Fonó Records FA-213-2
2003, 10 Jan.
2003, 21 March
2003, 11 Apr.
Duo concert with Szilárd Mezei in the House of Art, Kanizsa (SR)
György Szabados & Szilárd Mezei Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
RTV Video recording
Audience recording
Announcement of the concert
Poster of the concert
Szilárd Mezei’s words about György Szabados and information about their other concerts
2003, 29 June
The I. Győri Improvizatív- és Szabadzenei Fesztivál (The 1st Improvisative and free music festival took place in in Győr). Here:
Recording of the double CD „I. Győri Improvizatív- és Szabadzenei Fesztivál, 2003-1 and 2” by the GyőrFree Műhely, in the Richter Terem, Győr (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
The Double CD were released 2003:
CD 1 CD 2 “I. Győri Improvizatív- és Szabadzenei Fesztivál, 2003” – GyőrFree Műhely
The festival’s program (7 pages)
Poster of the concert
2003, 12 or 13 July
2003, 13 Sept.
Trio concert live during the 9th Festival of Jazz and Improvised Music in the Art-House in Kanizsa (SR), Serbia-Montenegro.
Anthony Braxton (reeds)
György Szabados (piano)
Vladimir Tarasov (percussion)
CD is released in 2004: “TRITONE” – LEO Records (UK) CD LR 416
Braxton-Szabados-Tarasov Trio – GyőrFree Műhely HCD 270/1
Promoter’s concert video
Full length video with interviews of the musicians (with Hungarian, English and German subtitles)
Short video with interviews of the musicians (with Hungarian, English and German subtitles)
Anthony Braxton & György Szabados & Vladimir Tarasov: Interview during the Jazz Festival Kanjiza
Program flyer (2 pages)
Reminiscence by Vid Jeraj: 9th Festival of Jazz and Improvised Music in Kanizsa (SR)
Posters of the festival
2003, 22 Sept.
Solo Concert in the DOM Cultural Centre in Moscow (RUS) during the Autumn Hungarian Weeks
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2003, 28 Sept.
MAKUZ featuring Johannes Bauer during the 32. Debrecen Jazz Days
György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer:
György Szabados (leader, piano)
István Grencsó (flute, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone)
Mihály Borbély (alto saxophone, tárogató, pipe)
Zsolt Vaskó (alto saxophone, piccolo, pipe)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Johannes Bauer (trombone)
Ferenc Kovács (trumpet, violin)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Albert Márkos (cello)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Radio recording
Video recording
Posters of the festival
Gábor Turi’s article: Amerikai-magyar jazzvonat XXXII. – Announcement of the event (Előzetes, 2003)
2003, 10 Oct.
2003, 17 Oct.
Solo concert in Szombathely
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2003, 23 Oct.
2003, November
2003, 4 Dec.
2003, 5 and 6 Dec.
2003, 27 Dec.
Kassák Christmas (Kassák Karácsony)
Concert with MAKUZ in the Fonó Budai Music Hall, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
the name of the other musicians is not known
Program of the Fonó: Mikulástól a szilveszteri buliig – mno.2003.11.30
Mondatban [In: Magyar Hírlap, 2003, 23 Dec., page 14]
Kassák-karácsony (Kassák Christmas) [In: Budapesti Nap, 2003, 24 Dec., page 7]
2004, Feb.
2004, 8 Apr.
Solo concert in the Millenáris Park in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, 19 Apr.
A concert took place in the Millenáris Park in Budapest (HU). The Honvéd Men’s Choir asked different composers, among others György Szabados to compose music for Hungarian poems. The result was the premiere of the Three Songs (cantata on poems by Mihály Babits).
Honvéd Men’s Choir
Budapest Jazz Orchestra, conductor: Gábor Hollerung
Composition: Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
György Szabados – String Orchestra compositions
[In: Pesti Műsor, 2004, 15 April, page 34]
2004, 22 Apr.
Solo concert in the Karlsruher Jazz Club in Karlsruhe (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, 24 Apr.
Solo concert in the Birdland 59 Jazz-Club in Ettlingen (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, 26 Apr.
Solo concert in the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Stuttgart (DE)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, May
2004, 2 May
Duo concert during the XVI. Expanzió Fesztivál in Terény (HU)
György Szabados & Sándor Szabó Duo:
György Szabados (piano)
Sándor Szabó (8 strings fretless guitar)
Audience recording
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016., page 600]
2004, 24 June
Concert of György Szabados with the “New Dimension Workshop” during the International Opera Festival in Miskolc (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet)
The CD of the concert is released in 2015: “Ikonofonia”, by Logos Publishing House, Hungary L CD 10
Information about the New Dimension Workshop
2004, 30 June
2004, 12 July
Solo concert in Venice (I) within the event Festival ettnic
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, 11 Aug.
A concert took place in the Hadtörténeti Múzeum in the Buda Castle in Budapest (HU). The Honvéd Men’s Choir conducted by Péter Drucker and the Budapapest Jazz Orchestra, played a music selection, among others György Szabados composition Three Songs (cantata on poems by Mihály Babits), Part 1 & 3: „Emlékezés és zsoltár” (Remembrance and psalm).
Honvéd Men’s Choir
Budapest Jazz Orchestra, conductor: Péter Drucker
[In: Pesti Műsor, 2004, 5 August, page 8]
Program of the events ’Budavári Nyár 2004’ – szinhaz.hu 2004.07.14
Composition: Three songs (Cantata on poems by Babits Mihály) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
György Szabados – String Orchestra compositions
2004, 20 Aug.
Honoured with the “Knight’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic“
2004, 11 Sept.
2004, 13 Sept.
2004, 25 Sept.
Solo concert in the SJU-Jazz Podium in Utrecht (NL)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, 2 Oct.
MAKUZ performs in the Fonó Budai Music Hall (Fonó Budai Zeneház), Budapest (HU) during the event Hungarian-Dutch Jazz Meeting
György Szabados with MAKUZ:
György Szabados (piano)
Balázs Szokolay (soprano saxophone, flutes)
Zsolt Vaskó (alto saxophone, flutes, Jew’s harp)
István Grencsó (tenor saxophone)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Audience recording
Information on the event Holland-Magyar Jazz Találkozó – hzo.hu 2014.10.01-03
2004, 12 Oct.
Solo concert in the Fonó Budai Music House within the Hungarian-Dutch Jazz Meeting in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, Oct.
2004, 3 Nov.
2004, 4 Nov.
2004, 5 Nov.
Trio concert “György Szabados with the Carte Blanche” in the Bimhuis in Amsterdam (NL) during the four-day event “Budapest Nights”.
György Szabados + Carte Blanche:
György Szabados (piano)
David Kweksilber (clarinet, saxophones)
Oene van Geel (violin)
2004, 7 Nov.
Solo concert in the ‘Domicil’ in Dortmund (DE) during the four-day event “Budapest Nights”, supported by WDR3 Germany Broadcast Company.
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
2004, Dec.
2004, 16 Dec.
Release of the CD: “A szépség szíve (The Heart of Beauty)” – Fonó Records (Hungary) FA-213-2.
György Szabados & Miklós Mákó Duo, recorded in the Assembly Hall of the University of Veszprém on the 8-9 August 2001.
A comment from 2008, 12 January: freejazzblog.org by Stef
Interview with György Szabados by Róbert Maloschik in the program “Jazz portrait” broadcasted in 2003 in Petőfi Rádió (Budapest, HU) mainly about the CD
Gábor Turi’s writing about the CD, published in Gramofon, 2005/1 & online 2016 on Gábor Turi’s website
Writing of Zoltán Bicskei about the CD: “Égi úton” (On celestial path) (2004)
Sketches for the cover by Zoltán Bicskei
2004, 20 Dec.
2004, 27 Dec.
Kassák Karácsony – Kassák Christmas
Solo concert and concert with MAKUZ in the Fonó Budai Music Hall in Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
György Szabados (piano, leader)
István Baló (drums)
Tamás Geröly (percussion)
Róbert Benkő (double bass)
István Grencsó (tenor saxophone)
Mihály Borbély (alto saxophone, tárogató)
Zsolt Vaskó (soprano saxophone, piccolo, jew’s-harp)
Balázs Szokolay „Dongó” (soprano saxophone, pipe)
Miklós Mákó (trumpet)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Albert Márkos (cello)
Video recording
Audience recording
Article about the event: Újabb ünnepi Kassák Karácsony – fábián, in Börzsöny 2005-1
Short announcement of the event: Ünnepi programok a Fonóban – mno. 2004.12.14
2005, 7 Jan.
2005, 9 Apr.
Concert with the “New Dimension Workshop” in the MATÁV-ZENEHÁZ (IX.. Páva u. 10-12.), Budapest (HU)
Program: Time travel in the history of music, or the magic of sounds … (Műsoron: Időutazás a zenetörténetben, avagy a hangokkal űzött mágia…)
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)
2005, 11 Apr.
Nemzeti táncszínház, Refektórium (Bp.I.Színház utca 1-3.), Budapest
Program: The locomotive, it’s different (A mozdony, az más) – Musical dance theater evening on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Attila József, performance by György Erdélyi, Duna Dance Workshop and Student Stage 2000, directed and edited by Erdélyi György, choreography by Juhász Zsolt, music Szabados György.
In the role of poet (József Attila) Erdélyi György, music of the songs and in the role of Mama (Mother) Fehérváry Lilla, contribute the dancers of Duna workshop and child actors of Student stage 2000. The compilation is an unprecedented depiction of Attila József’s oeuvre. A play that reveals the inner story of a poet’s life beyond human and social drama. The textual parts of the stage play are surrounded by pieces of György Szabados’ oeuvre.
[In: Pesti Műsor, 2005, 7 April, page 22]
A MOZDONY, AZ MÁS – Solo performance by Erdélyi György (2013)
2005, 27 Apr.
2005, 20 May
Concert and CD recording with the “New Dimension Workshop” in the Studio 22 of the Hungarian Radio, Budapest (HU)
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)
A CD of the concert was released in 2006: “Elégia 1956 (Elegy 1956)” – Logos Publishing House (Hungary) – L CD 07
György Szabados and the New Dimension Workshop – live in Studio 22 of Hungarian Radio, Budapest (HU), 20 May 2005 (recorded and broadcast by Bartók Radio)
Interview with Antal Babits about the music of the Elegy: A rögtönzés a legnagyobb csoda – a38.hu 2006.12.10
Information about the New Dimension Workshop
between 2005, 29 – 31 July
Probably solo concert during the XVII. Expanzió Fesztivál in Kékkő (Slovakia)
György Szabados Solo:
György Szabados (piano)
other participants:
Berger Hannah (voc), Filep Sándor (git), Szabó Sándor (akustik git), Major Balázs (dr, perc.), Nikolai Ivanov (voc, tamburin), Németh Zsófia Nóra (poems recital), Németh Péter Mykola (poems recital)
[In: Napút 2008/6. p.35-45.]
G. Komoróczy Emőke: Az avantgárd ezredvégi kivirágzása: expanzió (The flowering of the avant-garde at the end of the millennium: expansion] [In: Budapest : Szerző, 2012]
G. Komoróczy Emőke.: Avantgárd kontinuitás a XX. században : A párizsi Magyar Műhely és köre (Avantgarde continuity in the XX. century: The Magyar műhely in Paris and its circle) [In: Budapest : Hét Krajcár, 2016.]
2005, 20 Aug.
2005, 06 – 07 Sept.
2005, 6 Sept.:
World premier of the reworked composition: “Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun (Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére)” in the Jugoslovensko Dramsko Theatre in Beograde (SR)
It is known that a recording exists
2005, 7 Sept.:
2nd performance of the reworked composition: “Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun (Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére)” during the Magyarkanizsa Jazz Festival, in the Art House, Kaniza (SR)
György Szabados with “MAKUZ” & Members of the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra and a group of six bass:
György Szabados (conductor/prepared piano)
Tamás Kobzos Kiss (vocal, hurdy-gurdy)
Ákos Szelevényi /F/ (reeds)
Mihály Borbély /H/ (reeds)
István Grencsó /H/ (reeds)
Zsolt Vaskó /H/ (reeds)
Miklós Mákó /H/ (trumpet)
Ferenc Kovács /H/(trumpet, violina)
Damir Bacikin /SCG/ (trumpet)
András Vigh /NL/ (hurdy-gurdy)
Endre Juhász /H/ (oboe)
Gergely Ittzés /H/ (bass flute)
Szilárd Mezei /SCG/ (viola)
Ádám Jávorka /H/ (viola)
Albert Márkus /R/ (violoncello)
Viktor Molnár /SCG/ (violoncello)
Róbert Benkő /H/ (contrabass)
Ervin Malina /SCG/ (contrabass)
Tibor Csuhaj Barna /H/ (contrabass)
Ernő Hock /H/(contrabass)
Lazar Colović /SCG/ (vibrafon)
Tamás Geröly /H/ (drums, percussion)
István Baló /H/ (drums, percussion)
Choir of six bass: /SCG/
Popović Nebojša (bass)
Vujović Milijan (bass)
Petrović Aleksandar (bass)
Krneta Goran (bass)
Zarić Miloš (bass)
Golubović Petar (bass)
Members of the Liszt Ferenc Chamber Orchestra, Budapest:
Róbert Horváth (violin)
Péter Hamar (violin)
Attila Pintér (violin)
Peter Tfirst (violin)
Gergely Hutás (violin)
Composition: Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun (Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére)
Information where and when the composition was played
Promoters video recording of the 2nd performance in Kanjiza (SR)
Promoters audio recording of the 2nd performance in Kanjiza (SR)
Excerpt from a film by Duna Television about the Jazz Festival in Magyarkanizsa and the Cerenomy Music (2005, Duna TV – Gong)
Flyer for the concert
Publicity for the concert
Poster of the performance
Article by Gruik Ibolva: Kis morzsákból időtállót [In: Magyar Szó, 2 Sept. 2005, page 11]
Article by Attila Sirbik: Ember és zene szimbiózisa [In: Magyar Szó, 3 Sept. 2005, page 11]
Article by Attila Sirbik: Nem halat adunk, hanem hálót [In: Magyar Szó, 6 Sept. 2005, page 15]
Article by Attila Sirbik: A hallhatóvá tehető zene [In: Magyar Szó, 7 Sept. 2005, page 15]
Article: A Napkirály tiszteletére [In: Magyar Szó, 8 Sept. 2005, page 1]
Article by Oscar Pándi: Dicshimnusz a Naphoz [In: Magyar Szó, 15 Sept. 2005, page 15]
Article by Oscar Pándi: Zenekultúrák találkozása [In: Magyar Szó, 17 Sept. 2005]
2005, 10 Sept.
Concert with György Szabados and the New Dimension Workshop during the I. Újbuda Jazz Festival in the Fonó Budai Music House in Budapest (HU)
New Dimension Workshop:
György Szabados (piano)
Csaba Klenyán (clarinet)
Ádám Jávorka (viola)
Antal Babits (bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet)
Brief announcement: Évadkezdés a Fonóban – Kiss Eszter Veronika, mno.
Information about the New Dimension Workshop
2005, 16 Sept.
2005, 18 Sept.
Solo concert during the „MOLto VIVACE Mol Jazz Fesztivál in the Palace of the Arts (Művészetek Palotája – MÜPA), Budapest (HU)
György Szabados solo:
György Szabados (piano)
Review about the event: Borbély, Szabados és Paul Bley – by Dániel Kinczel (fidelio.hu., 2005.10.06.)
Review about the event: Szabados, Bley, Borbély a palotában – RZS. (zene.hu 2005)