Győri Jazz Esték II. 2001. – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD 198
Szabados György szóló – Mediawave, 2002. – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD 232-3
GyőrFree Jazz Esték XI. 2002. – Szabados György & Miklós Mákó Duó, GyőrFREE Szabadzenei Műhely / HCD
GyörFREE Mühely a MU Szinhazban (2002) – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD 233
CD Text Inside Cover
GyörFree Workshop aspires to be a midwife of the new music developing on the fundament of traditions and by improvisation of first-rate importance at the tern of the millenium. It strives to serve this aim with its activity including organization, making workshops, aranging concerts and publishing CD-s.
Therefore it holds to its principal mission to become one of the centres of renewing cultural life especially with its workshop-like programs, to preserve, care and make well-known the compositions coming into being there. Besides, we want to help in preparing the recorded musical and other sounding matters, to guarantee the necessary conditions to this and to establish constructive relations for the sake of the cause.
GyörFree Workshop works in in the belief that its activity serves the most noble purpose: the cultic renewel of human and art of music.
Győrfree Szabadzenei Műhely – 2002. cd-VI. – MU Színház – Győrfree – Fesztivál (2002) – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD 233-6
Győrfree Szabadzenei Műhely – 2002. cd-VII. – MU Színház – Győrfree – Fesztivál (2002) – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD 233-7
I. Győri Improvizatív- és Szabadzenei Fesztivál, 2003 – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD
Braxton-Szabados-Tarasov Trió – Győrfree Műhely / HCD 270/1
Szabados Gyöгgy Magyarkanizsán, 2004 (2004) – GyörFREE Mühely / HCD
Szabados Szextett (1973) – GyörFREE / HCD 346
CD Text Inside CD Case
That kind of improvisative musical language, which cleared the way for the present development of the living Hungarian musicality sounded first in two of the compositions of Szabados, in the Axe-Psalm (and in the Soldier music following it.) The pieces won the Free Musical Grand Price of the San-Sebastian Festival in 1972 after the scandalous premier in Hungary at Erkel Theatre, there has not been made any professional record so far. Our publication is made on the grounds of a contemporary amateurs record.
CD Text Inside Cover:
There is the first piece of a new methodical series, initiated by the „GyörFREE“ Workshop in your hands, kind music-lover: The aim of our series is: to save, to make common property and searchable that monumental musical matter, which has been born in Hungary during the former years from the performances, sounding events, unpublished records of improvisative (free) music, mostly surviving by private recordings.
read more...With this methodical series we wish to help the retrospection to the mentioned Hungarian musical movement – with international importance of the decades past; the spreading effect of which we can experience now in the sounding of the contemporary Hungarian music as well. We call the world of all the compositions, formations, concerts of the given age on the basis of documents, which were judged for unfair reducing to silence by the culture-political warfare of the decades past, consequently to be conscious of these organically growing processes, living wonderfully as a diving-stream for the people of the our age has been almost impossible till now. The “GyörFREE” Workshop has been a committed supporter of the preservation and handing down of the high-class values of art, of creators and of humanity transmitted by the extatical sounding of improvisative music with its former activity and publications in the last years as well. We want to say thanks here for all the people, who recorded and preserved these unrepeatable musical moments with the technical opportunities of the given age, and put them at our disposal as the basic of our publications. GyörFREE Mühely
Készülődés a Csatára (1987) – GyörFREE / HCD 347
CD Text Inside CD Case
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat ont the horse, and against his army:
And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.
The Revelation of S.John the Devine 19/17-21. New English Bible
“…DE SZÉPEN SZÓL A NAGYHARANG” – Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál a MU Színházban 2007/1 (2007) – GyörFREE 2007 – CD 1 / HCD
“BALTÁS ZSOLTÁR” – SZABADOS GYÖRGY ÉS A MAKUZ -Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál a MU Színházban 2007/2 (2007) – GyörFREE 2007 – CD 2 / HCD
Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál a MU Színházban 2007/3 (2007) – GyörFREE 2007 – CD 3 (HCD)
Győrfree Szabadzenei Műhely a MU Színházban (2009) – GyörFree Mühely
“VIRRASZTÁS” Szabados György emlékére és tiszteletére, Fonó Budai Zeneház (2011. június 30.) – Győrfree Műhely
In Memoriam Szabados György – Live album by Erno Dohnanyi Symphony Orchestra (2011) – GyörFree Mühely CD
The “In Memoriam György Szabados” is a CD on which the Erno Dohnányi Symphony Orchestra tribute to the memory of recently-deceased György Szabados with two Szabados compositions:
1) Time Music (Idő-zene)
2) Three songs (Cantata on poems by Mihály Babits) – Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire)
Free Balance (Szabad Egyensúlyok) (1988; 1992) – Györ FREE Mühely
Liner Notes:
The record begins with a thespian torrent of bird song interspersed with bursts of silence, and ends in the blissful moment when Celestial Being comes into its own, transforming its cosmic story into a mythic legend in our hearts.
read more...Bicskei Zoltán