György Szabados with MAKUZ – Live at Kassák Club in Budapest (HU) 26.12.1985

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Kassák Karácsony – Szabados György és a MAKUZ, 1985.

  Kassák Klub, Budapest, Hungary

Recording Date:

December 26, 1985

Időtartam (Time / Dauer):


Zeneszámok (Track listing / Musiktitel):

0:00:10 – 0:02:11  related_items  Bevezető beszéd (Welcoming speech / Begrüßungsrede) [Szabados György]    2:01
0:02:11 – 0:53:20  related_items  Regölés (Winter folk ritual  / Volksbrauch im Winter)    51:09
0:53:20 – 1:03:33    Mr. P.C. [John Coltrane]    10:13

Zenészek (Musicians / Musiker):

related_items  György Szabados & MAKUZ

Musicians on Regölés :
Szabados György (piano, conductor)
related_items  Grencsó István (altosax)
related_items  Dresch Mihály (tenorsax, bass clarinet, pipe)
related_items  Kovács Ferenc (trumpet)
related_items  Fekete István (trumpet)
related_items  Benkő Róbert (double bass)
related_items  Gerőly Tamás (drums, percussion)
related_items  Faragó Antal (drums, percussion)
related_items  Baló István (drums)

Musicians on Mr. P.C. [John Coltrane]:
Szabados György (piano, leader)
related_items  Grencsó István (altosax)
related_items  Dresch Mihály (tenorsax, bass clarinet, pipe)
related_items  Héder Imre (tenorsax)
related_items  Kovács Ferenc (trumpet)
related_items  Fekete István (trumpet)
related_items  Benkő Róbert (double bass)
related_items  Gerőly Tamás (drums, percussion)
related_items  Faragó Antal (drums, percussion)
related_items  Baló István (drums)
related_items  Sramkó János (drums)

Digitization: Pataki Béla (Around 1990)
Digital additional work (with editing, synchronized sound and main title): Bognár Ferenc (2018)

This recording is second part of the show.




? / VHS cassette

Kassák Karácsony – Szabados György és a MAKUZ, 1985.

Pataki Béla’s collection

2011 / Stream

Szabados György & MAKUZ – Jazz Karácsony 1985

You Tube – published by Béla Pataki (19.12.2011)

  György Szabados & MAKUZ – Kassák Klub, Budapest (HU) 1985, 26 December (Audio)

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