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György Szabados talks about the improvisative music (excerpt) – Kamaraerdei Jazz Festival, Budapest (H)
Hely ismeretlen
Recording Date:
(likely) July 15, 1989
Időtartam (Time / Dauer):
Szabados György nyilatkozik az improvizatív zenéről 1989 (részlet) / Szabados declares improvised music in 1989
Contributors: Szabados György
Reporter: Énekes Zsuzsa
Source: Pataki Béla’s collection
Source format: mpg file (from VHS cassette)
Digitization: Pataki Béla (about 1998)
Digital additional work (with editing, cropping): Bognár Ferenc (2020)
2012 / Stream
Szabados György nyilatkozat 1989 (részlet)
You Tube – published by Béla Pataki (01.01.2012)
Corrections and additions are welcomed – please contact webmaster: info@györgy-szabados.com