For the first time online: György Szabados & MAKUZ playing “Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére / Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun” at the Stadttheater in Aschaffenburg (DE) 17.05.1987

Posted by Rudolf Kraus

For information about recording go to: Forum 

Total Time: 67:57

1) Prelude   18:03
2) Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun)   34:04
3) Periférikuz Koncert   11:19
4) Track 4   4:31

György Szabados with MAKUZ:
Szabados György (prepared piano, piano)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás  (vocal, hurdy-gurdy)
Vlagyimir Opancsar (flute)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet, sax)

Dresch Mihály (flute, bass clarinet, sax)
Kovács Ferenc (tp, violin)
Mákó Miklós (tp)
Tréfás István (violin)
Körmendy Ferenc (viola)
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Kiss Gábo (double bass)
Baló István (percussion)

Geröly Tamás (percussion)

Review by Ulfert Goemann, published at Jazz Podium 36/7 (July 1987)    german