Mr. Zsolt Németh (Member of the board of the ADYTON ART FOUNDATION) informed me as follows:
We have to share with you some bad news.
As you know, the financial background of our Adyton workshops is overwhelmingly the fee paid by the participants. This year we composed an ambitious and demanding program, with excellent teachers, including the online workshops of Ken Vandermark. To cover the costs of the workshop we would need at least 15 participants who pay the fee. Until now merely 9 persons registered for the program and this is much less than necessary. Because of the financial infeasibility yesterday we had to make a very painful decision and we cancelled the whole workshop.
We really tried to do our best, we advertised the program on different channels, we contacted each of the persons who earlier joined us, but the result is zero.
Please find attached the planned program, as a historical document.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”adyton.ENGL”]