Időtartam (Time / Dauer):
Felvétel (Recording / Aufnahme):
November 9, 1989
Brest, France
Zeneszámok (Track listing / Musiktitel):
Zenészek (Musicians / Musiker):
Szabados György (piano, conductor)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal-recital)
Kovács Ferenc (trumpet)
Grencsó István (sax, flute, clarinet)
Dresch Mihály (sax, flute, bass cl.)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, piccolo)
Mákó Miklós (trumpet)
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Lőrinszky Attila (double bass)
Baló István (percussion)
Geröly Tamás (percussion)
Kiegészítő információk (Related items /ergänzende Informationen):
Composition: A kormányzó halála (The Governor’s Death)
Information where and when the composition was played
Video of the performances (excerpt)
Poster of the festival
Programm info
Conversation on The Governor’s Death with György Szabados and Gyula Kodolányi in the TV2, Budapest (HU)
Comments in the subject of The Governor’s Death (A Kormányzó halála) [In: György Szabados – Writings I., 2008, p. 187-207]
Text of the opera by Gyula Kodolányi [In: Hitel, 1989, special issue, p 17-19]
Gyula Kodolányi’s essay about the creation of the opera [In Hitel 1990 No. 3 p. 29-33]
Kodolányi Gyula
Nadj Josef
- Choreography and stage setting: Josef Nadj
- Scenography: Goury
- Costume: Catherine Rigault
- Masks: Jean-Marie Binoche
- Lighting Design: Rdmi Nicolas Assisted by Sylvie Vautrin
- Original Music by the Hungarian composer:
- Gyorgy Szabados, interpreted on stage by the eleven musicians of the ensemble Makuz of Budapest.
- Poet: Gyula Kodolanyi – book
- With Dancers:
- Joszef Sarvari (the Emperor) – Denes Debrei (the madman) -Marie-HdldneMortureux (the little saint) – Gyork Szakonyi (the Doctor)-Laszlo Hudi(the Magician) – Kathleen Reynolds, Cdcile Thidblemont (the women) -Josef Nadj, Frdddric Lescure (the servants, thePhilosophers).
- Sound Direction: Pierre Jacquot
- Production: Commissioned by the Quartz de Brest, Theatre de la Ville-Paris, L’hippodrome-Douai, Centre de Production Choregraphique-Orleans. Graceau concours de la Fondation Beaumarchais, withthe participation of AlphaFnac. Coproduction of the Centre Choregraphique National d’Orleans.