Brian Morton

Scottish writer, journalist and former broadcaster, specialising in jazz and modern literature

born 1954 in Paisley, near Glasgow and raised in Dunoon

Morton was educated at Edinburgh University and taught in the late 1970s at the University of East Anglia (under Malcolm Bradbury) and the University of Tromsø in Norway.

Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":

GSDA2001F  audio info liner_notes  1998: Az idő múlása (Time Flies) – (wrote LINER NOTES for CD, released 2000)


   Edition of “The Penguin Guide to Jazz Recordings” is a reference work containing an encyclopedic directory of jazz recordings on CD which are currently available in Europe or the United States. The first nine editions were compiled by Richard Cook and Brian Morton, two well known chroniclers of jazz resident in the United Kingdom.

The Blackwell Guide to Recorded Contemporary Music (1996), which covers modern classical music



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