GyörFree Workshop Festival
” The Győrfree music and spiritual workshop has been founded in Győr in 2000 […]. Its purpose is to changelessly maintain and to unfold that kind of Hungarian music as well as the spirituality living in this music, in whose presentation the famous jazz concerts in Győr played an important role in the eighties, and which has become a pertaining part of the cultural and music life in Hungary as well as in the international scene. The Győrfree Workshop has the ambition to become the “midwife” of the new music taking shape on the foundations of musical traditions and following the improvisational efforts of premium importance at the turn of the millennium. Its activities such as organizing tasks, creating of workshops, concert organizing and publishing of records intend to serve this purpose.” (György Szabados)
Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":
2010, 09 May:
concert at the GyörFree Improvizatívzenei Műhely (Improvised Music Workshop), MU Theater, Budapest (HU).
Musicians participants:
Szabados György (piano)
Szabolcs Szőke (gadulka, mbira, aquaphon)
Szilárd Mezei (viola)
Burány Béla (soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone)
Liber Endre (violin)
other musicians invited:
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Váczi Dani (reeds)
Márkos Albert (cello)
Ittzés Gergely (flute)
concert program
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