Kanalas Éva
Hungarian singer
born in 1970 in Békéscsaba
“She is one of the instinctive and rare gifted ones who live their talent, the faculty and unlearnable knowledge that always provides an extraordinary experience regarding the artistic effect with a curious self confidence.
This singer’s exeptionally original artistic and musical concept is ready to enter the musical life of Hungary and the world as a real rarity.
Kanalas was born to be a singer, and with the kind of initiation that is more and more scarce in the Hungarian singing culture.
The ringing of her voice, the flexibility and mood of her manner of singing, the spiritual content that she so naturally transmits in her concerts is bound to a great culture spreading as far as the Pacific Ocean, to the sonic world of the so-called Steppe culture, that in old times was rather determinative in Hungarian instrumental and singing culture, too.”
(György Szabados, pianist, composer)
Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":
1999 Éva Kanalas CD: Ojanna (Not On Label (Kanalas Éva Self-released) – EK001. György Szabados contribute with LINER NOTES.
Jörn Shulcz, a journalist from Germany made an interview with Éva Kanalas about the Hungarian “táltos” -shaman-culture for a longer article.
Berlini Német Újságíró Interjúja Kanalas Évával a magyar táltoskultúráról
Adigzsi Tuva sámán a parlamentben – szertartás a Magyar Szent Koronáért 2012 Ének:Kanalas Éva
Rádióbeszélgetés Kanalas Évával [In: Kossuth rádió, 2021.szept.29.sze.21.30-22.00.]
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