Historical feature film “THE MONTH OF DREAMS”, directed by Zoltán Bicskei, using music of György Szabados. The film is expected to be released as DVD in August 2018 with serbian / english subtitles

Posted by Rudolf Kraus

The film will include following music by György Szabados:

Szabados György: Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire) Three songs(Cantata on poems by Mihály Babits),
played by Dohnányi Ernő orchestra, conductor: Gábor Hollerung   3 min.
From the Győrfree publication, copyright holder: Fülöp Péter gyorfreemuhely@gmail.com 06-20-217-56-99
Copyright holder of the composer: Judit Szabados

Szabados György and MAKUZHomoki zene/Sand music
Holtág, 3 min.

Adyton editing

Szabados György: Az események titkos története/The Secret History of events….:
from 1st CD-ről 1. from –  1:35 min.
/musicians: Szabados György-piano, Kobzos Kiss Tamás-song, Dresch Mihály and Vaskó Zsolt wind instruments/
Fonó  edition

Szabados György Elfelejtett ének/Forgotten songs:
/musicians: Szabados György-piano, Dresch Mihály-wind instruments, Geröly Tamás-percussions
/ Trió:  2:15 min.
Fonó edition

Szabados György and MAKUZ
Bu-tup, 3:30 min.


  Listen to the music in the movie
  More info about the movie