NEWS from 2015, 22 July:
New movie from Zoltán Bicskei on its way.
Historical feature film, 120 min, on 35 mm. Film will be in Hungaryan TV in end of 2016., in Movies Theatres in 2017 in 35 mm and in BlueRay.
Some of music will be from Szabados…..
Update Info about the new movie film by Zoltán Bicskei:
I finished my movie film edition. 113 minutes. In March will be make the synchronisation and sound postproduction.
The film will include the following Szabados music pieces with the following details:
Zoltán Bicskei’s new historic film will be finished next spring with the title: Álom hava (Snow of the dreams..). More Info about the film, see “LINK”
The film will include following music by György Szabados:
Szabados György: Három ének (kantáta Babits Mihály verseire) Three songs(Cantata on poems by Mihály Babits),
played by Dohnányi Ernő orchestra, conductor: Gábor Hollerung
From the Győrfree publication, copyright holder: Fülöp Péter 06-20-217-56-99
Copyright holder of the composer: Judit Szabados
Szabados György and MAKUZ–Homoki zene/Sand music
Holtág, from 2,00-6,30 minutes
Adyton editing
Szabados György and MAKUZ: Készülődés a csatára/Preparing for the fray
from 16,10-20,00 minutes/
Győrfree edition
Szabados György: Az események titkos története/The Secret History of events….:
from 1st CD-ről 1. from 00,00-1,35 minutes
/musicians: Szabados György-piano, Kobzos Kiss Tamás-song, Dresch Mihály and Vaskó Zsolt wind instruments/
Fonó edition
Szabados György Elfelejtett ének/Forgotten songs:
/musicians: Szabados György-piano, Dresch Mihály-wind instruments, Geröly Tamás-percussions/ Trió: from: 5,00-7,15 minutes
Fonó edition
Szabados György and MAKUZ
Bu-tup, from 1,40-4,10 minutes/
See some pictures from shooting: