The history of Szeged Jazz Days / A szegedi jazz aranykora 87´ – broadcasted by Városi Televizió, Szeged, 1995, June 26
TV Clip from 11.06.2011 – News on “MTV1” about the death of György Szabados – with video of the award ceremony of the Kossuth Prize from 15.03.2011
TV Clip – excerpt “DUNA TV” from program “Vannak vidékek” from 29.11.2009 – Szabados György in Nagymaros, Spring 2009
TV Clip from 13.03.2009 about concert announcement György Szabados & MAKUZ at Palace of Arts, Budapest from 16.03.2009
TV Clip – excerpt “MTV2” from the program “Kultúrház” from 13.12.2006 about “Elegy 1956” new jazz album György Szabados
György Szabados: 2006. Duna TV – A nap vendége (Guest of the Day / Gast des Tages) with english and german subtitles