Az idő szelleme a zenében [In: Vajdasági Rtv, 26.09.2022]
Szabados György emlékestet tartottak Magyarkanizsán [In: YouTube: Info TV, 30.09.2022]
Remembering Szabados in Kanizja, Serbia
Three years after the Hungarian publication of the book titled Szabados, it became available in Serbia, too. György Szabados was closely linked to this small town in Vojvodina, inhebited by native Hungarians, via film-maker and graphic artist Zoltán Bicseki, and the House of the Arts. He used to be a household musician of the international jazz festivals in former times.
At the book presentation and the round table hat followed it, host Zoltán Bicskei was joined by Dr. Nemanja Sovtic musicologist (Novi Sad), Gábor Turi jazz critic (Nagymaros), Szilárd Mezei musician (Zenta) and concert agent Kornél Jenei(Szeged), all closely linked to Szabados, who evoked their personal memories. The talks were complemented by audiovisusal presentations representing the music and views of Szabados. The event was visited by Jusit Szabados, vidow of the artist and Rudolf Kraus, owner of the web site The World of György Szabados, on his way to Transilvania.
In the second part of the evening the commemoration was followed by a music concert. The stage first was taken by folk singer Annamária Szabó (Temerin), followed by another Hungarian folk music presentation by the duo of flutists Zoltán Juhász and Kálmán Sáringer (Budapest). The evening concluded by a powerful concert by the Szilárd Mezei Septet, including Szilárd Mezei (viola), Andrea Berendika (flute), Bogdán Rankovic (saxophone), Branislav Aksin (trombone), Marina Dzukljev (piano), Ervin Malina (double bass), and István Csík (drums).
The whole program was sponsored by the Serbian Minsitry of Culture and Information, the Hungarian Academy of the Arts, and the Hungarian publishing house MMA.
Gábor Turi

Photo: Rudolf Kraus, Judit Szabados, Gábor Turi
Evening in memory of György Szabados
planned 2021, November 6 in Magyarkanizsa/Kanjiža, Serbia / THE NEW DATE FOR THE DAY OF SZABADOS IN KANJIZA IS SEPTEMBER 24, 2022.
The composer and pianist György Szabados passed away 11 years ago.
On this occasion we pay homage to the composer’s life-work with high impact on the contemporary art in Vojvodina in Northern Serbia.
Gallery Dobó Tihamér
5 p.m. Presentation of the book SZABADOS
Introduction: Györgyi Pécsi– head of the publishing house MMA
Gábor Turi, critic (Budapest)
Zoltán Bicskei, co-editor of the book
Dr. Nemanja Sovtić, writer on music theory (Novi Sad)
Gallery Dobó Tihamér
6.30 p .m. Panel discussion about the work of György Szabados
Moderator: Bicskei Zoltán
Gábor Turi, critic (Budapest)
Dr Nemanja Sovtić, music theory writer (Novi Sad)
Szilárd Mezei, composer, musician (Zenta)
Kornél Jenei (Szeged)
8.30 p.m. Művészetek Háza, small stage
Annamária Szabó – solo vocals (Temerin)
Zoltán Juhász – flute, duda (Budapest)
Kálmán Sáringer – flute, duda (Budapest)
Béla Szerényi id. – tekerölant (Budapest)
Mezei Szilárd Septet (Beograd, Újvidék, Zenta)
Mezei Szilárd – viola
Andrea Berendika – flute
Bogdan Ranković – alt saxophone, bass clarinet
Branislav Aksin – trombone
Marina Dzukljev – piano
Ervin Malina – contrabass
Csík István- percussions