Ady Endre
was a Hungarian poet.
(November 22, 1877 – January 27, 1919)
Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":
Excerpt from the LINER NOTES of LP “ADYTON”: (1982: Szabados – Adyton)
“The present album is a selection of Szabados’ output over the past few years, including pieces for trio and the monumental Adyton in three movements. The double meaning of the title clearly refers to the composer’s frame of mind and artistic endeavors. Ady, the poet, is a symbol of the most progressive trends in art and thinking in Hungary, of experiments and soul-searching to identify and explore the controversial notion of being Hungarian”
- Versek (“Poems”, 1899)
- Még egyszer (“Once Again”, 1903)
- Új versek (“New Poems”, 1906)
- Vér és arany (“Blood and Gold”, 1907)
- Az Illés szekerén (“On Elijah’s Chariot”, 1909)
- Szeretném, ha szeretnének (“I’d Love to Be Loved” 1910)
- A Minden-Titkok versei (“The Poems of All Secrets”, 1911)
- A menekülő Élet (“The Fleeing Life”, 1912)
- Margita élni akar (“Margita Wants to Live”, 1912)
- A magunk szerelme (“Our Own Love”, 1913)
- Ki látott engem? (“Who Have Seen Me?”, 1914)
- A halottak élén (“Leading the Dead”, 1918)
- Az utolsó hajók (“The Last Ships”, 1923)
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