FONÓ Music Hall, Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian perfromance Hall 

belong to Fonó Records
Adress: Fonó Budai Music Hall Budapest, Sztregova u. 3, 1116 Ungarn


The Fonó Music Hall (Fonó Budai Zeneház) is found in the Buda-side Sztregova utcában. Its goal is to provide a venue for Hungarian folk music and folk dance events, which does not only offer culture programmes for the relatively small layer interested in folk arts, but also for a wider section of society. Although it is outside the city centre, a visit is far worth it thanks to their concerts, performances,workshops and other programmes – and simply for the chance of getting closer to folk culture.

Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":

GSA1999DB   audio info liner_notes GSA1999DB  1996: Szabados György – Az események titkos története – (recorded live at Fonó Music Hall)

GSA1997F  audio info liner_notes GSA1997F  1997: Idő-zene (az Akadémiai Szólisták Kamarazenekarával) – (recorded live at Fonó Music Hall)

  audio info liner_notes    2020: TENGRI – Mindenség – Szabados György & Kanalas Éva – Improvizációk népdalokraIdő-zene – (recorded live at Fonó Music Hall, 1997, 15 February)



 Gábor Turi: Kézfogások a Fonóban [In: Film, Színház, Muzsika, 1996, 44-45.old.]

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