The Academy Soloists Chamber Orchestra / Akadémiai Szólisták Kamarazenekara
Hungarian Chamber Orchestra
Chamber executive director: Kőrös Zoltán Csaba
Artistic director: Szabadi Vilmos
The Academy Soloists Orchestra was founded in 1995 by talented graduates of the famous Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest. The musical director is Vilmos Szabadi, international violin soloist.
The musical talents and technical skills of these young musicians enable each and every one of them to pursue a solo career, hence the name: Academy Soloists. The numerous prizes won by the members at various competitions include:
– Flesh Violin Competition 1-st prize
– Zathureczky Violin Competition 2-nd prize, special prize
– Weiner Chamber music competition 1-st prize
– Lukács Viola competition 2-nd prize
– Koncz Violin competition -special prize
They chose to complete their individual activities by intensive team work in this ensemble. During its fairly short existence, the orchestra has already given sussesful concerts. They have also been invited to several European countries, such as Switzerland and Finland. The repertoire of the ensamble ranges from Baroque to contemporary music.
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