Update of Ferenc Bognár “Summary List” (in Hungarian, work in progress)

Posted by Rudolf Kraus



You find the “Music Directory” here: Music -> Music Directory



New in the Music Directory:

audio info   1986: MAKUZ koncert Bécsben, 1986. / MAKUZ in Vienna (AT), playing “Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun” 1986, 19 October
audio info   1987: Szabados György és a MAKUZ – Aschaffenburg, 1987. / MAKUZ in Aschaffenburg (DE), playing “Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun” 1987, 16 May
related_items  more information and playlist about the composition: “Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun)”

audio info   2006: Az események titkos története – Debrecen, 2006.  /  “The Secret History of the Events” – Debrecen (HU), 2006
related_items  more information and playlist about the composition: “Az események titkos története (The Secret History of the Events)”

audio info   1983: Szabados – Koncert Partensteinben, 1983. / Szabados Solo in Partenstein (DE), 1983, 20 November
audio info   1993: Szent Főnixmadár koncert – Budapest, 1993. / Szabados Solo playing  Szent Főnixmadár koncert in Budapest 1993, 12 November



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