Fantastic video – now with high quality SOUNDUPGRADE: “György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer – Live at Debrecen Jazz Days 2003, Debrecen (HU) 2003, 28 September”

Posted by Rudolf Kraus

Time:  57:31

Track listing:
1. Bú-tup
2. Beavatás
3. Regölés

György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer – Live at Debrecen Jazz Days 2003, Debrecen (HU) 2003, 28 September

– concert video, now SOUNDUPGRADED with high quality sound from the hungarian radio recording.

György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer:
Szabados György (leader, piano)

Grencsó István (flute, tenor saxophone, soprano saxophone)
Borbély Mihály (alto saxophone, tárogató, furulya)
Vaskó Zsolt (alto saxophone, piccolo, furulya)
Mákó Miklós (trumpet)
Johannes Bauer (trombone)
Kovács Ferenc (trumpet, violin)
Mezei Szilárd (viola)
Márkos Albert (cello)
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Baló István (drums)
Geröly Tamás (percussion) 

Related items:

audio info  Hungarian radio recording: Szabados György & the MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer
related_items  György Szabados & MAKUZ 1990 – 2009
related_items  Johannes Bauer

movie_hu  TV interview by Baráth Edina with György Szabados, broadcasted by HírTV (HU), 2004 30 June
news_hu  Turi Gábor: Előzetes, 2003
related_items  Hungarian radio recordings
related_items  Debrecen Jazz Days (Festival)


During their long friendship, Johannes Bauer used to play several times in György Szabados’ orchestra, MAKUZ.
They perfectly understood each other’s musical concepts and looked for opportunities to play together.

movie_hu   György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer – Live at Kamaraerdő Jazz Festival, Budapest (HU) 15.07.1989
movie_hu   György Szabados & MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer – Magyarkanizsa Jazz Festival, Sept. 15, 1995

audio info liner_notes GSP1985LPF   1985: A szarvassá vált fiak (The Sons Turned into Stags)
audio info   1989: MAKUZ with Johannes Bauer – Live at Kamaraerdő Jazz Festival, Budapest (HU) 15.07.1989