Vigadó Music Hall Concert 1985
Listen to the newly dicovered Tape audio:
“György Szabados & MAKUZ playing “Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun)” at the Vigadó Concert Hall, Budapest 1985“
1) Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun) 35:38
György Szabados with MAKUZ
Musicians unknown but perhaps:
Szabados György (prepared piano, conductor)
Dresch Mihály (flute, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone)
Grencsó István (flute, alto clarinet, alto saxophone, furulya)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal)
Fekete István (trumpet)
Kovács Ferenc (trumpet, violin)
Körmendy Ferenc (viola)
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Lőrinszky Attila (double bass)
Baló István (percussion)
exact recording date are unknown
Recording info: Link
Vigadó Music Hall Concert 1986
Listen to the newly dicovered Tape audio:
“György Szabados & MAKUZ playing “Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun (Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére)” at the Vigadó Concert Hall, Budapest 1986“
1) Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun) 33:40
2) Encore: “Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére (Ceremony music in honour of our King, the Sun)” (Part of the composition) 4:36
György Szabados with MAKUZ
Szabados György (prepared piano, conductor)
Vlagyimir Opancsar (flute)
Dresch Mihály (flute, bass clarinet, tenor saxophone)
Grencsó István (flute, alto clarinet, alto saxophone, furulya)
Kovács Ferenc (trumpet, violin)
Mákó Miklós (trumpet)
Tréfás István (violine)
Györei Ildikó (violine)
Körmendy Ferenc (viola)
Horváth Péter (violoncello)
Benkő Róbert (double bass)
Kiss Gábor (double bass)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, hurdy-gurdy)
Geröly Tamás (percussion)
Baló István (percussion)
exact recording date are unknown
Recording Info: Link

György Szabados wrote the composition: “Ritualmusic (Zermonienmusic) / Szertartászene királyunk, a Nap tiszteletére” 1983.
The composition has been performed as follows:
1st: 25.03.1984, Budapest (HU) – listen “Audience recording”
2nd: 15.09.1984, Köszeg (HU) – listen “Audience recording”
3rd: 1985 ?? ??, Vigado Music Hall, Budapest (HU) – listen “Audience recording”
4th: 1986 ?? ??, Vigado Music Hall, Budapest (HU) – listen “Audience recording”
5th: 19.10.1986, Vienna (A)
6th: 1986 ?? ??, Lublijana (ex Jugoslavia)
7th or 8th: 1987 03 ?? or 1988 03 ??, Budapest Spring Festival (HU)
7th or 8th: 17.05.1987, Aschaffenburg (DE) – Audience recording following soon
9th: 06.09.2005, Belgrad (SR) – it is known that an audio recording of the concert exists
10th: 07.06.2005, Magyarkaniza (SR) – View: “Promoters Video recording” and listen “Audio recording from the Video”
See also Ferenc Bognár Notes:( in Hungarian)