Szalai László
Hungarian recording engineer
Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":
1991: A Szent Főnixmadár dürrögései (live) – (Remixing engineer of CD, recorded live at Münster Jazz Festival 1991 and released 1997 on “Szabados es Tsa. Kkt – Szerzöi kiadas S001 Private Issue“)
1996: Jelenés (Revelation) – (Recording and mixing engineer of CD, released 1997 on “Fonó Records, Inc. FA -038-2″)
1996: Szabados György – Az események titkos története – (Recording engineer of CD, recorded live at Concerthall of Fonó Budai Zeneház, Budapest, and released 1999 on “Fonó Records (Hungary)” with Release No.: FA-068-2)
1997: Idő-zene (az Akadémiai Szólisták Kamarazenekarával) – (Recording and mixing engineer of CD, released 1997 on “Fonó Records, Inc.” (Hungary) with Release No.: FA-034-2)
1996: Szabados György – Az események titkos története – (Remastering of 1985, March recorded LP: “The Sons Turned Into Stags / A szarvassá vált fiak” 1999 released Double CD on “Fonó Records (Hungary)” with Release No.: FA-068-2)
1998: Az idő múlása (Time Flies) – (Recording and mixing engineer of CD, released 2000 on “November Music Ltd. London“, UK with Release No.: NVR 2002-2)
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