Alant (Below / Unten) 19:44 Fennt (Above / Oben) 9:31 Készülődés a Csatára (Getting Ready for the Battle / Sich zur Schlacht rüsten) 24:54
Zenészek (Musicians / Musiker):
György Szabados & MAKUZ
Szabados György (piano, leader) Dresch Mihály (soprano saxophone, flute) Grencsó István (alto saxophone, flute) Vaskó Zsolt (piccolo, flute) Kovács Ferenc (trumpet) Mákó Miklós (trumpet) Tréfás István (violin) Benkő Róbert (double bass) Lőrinszky Attila (double bass) Baló István (percussion) Geröly Tamás (percussion)
The sounding material of the CD has been recorded during the musical and spiritual workshop of the Magyar Kiralyi Udvan Zenekar (The Hungarian Royal Court Orchestra), at its home in the Kassak Club in 1987. Inspite of the weak quality of the record the actuality of the musical material and the elementary power of the expression have made its publication reasonable.
“GyőrFREE” – Jazz, Improvisative, Contemporary and Folk Music Workshop (Producer) Kapui Szabolcs (Digitalisation) at Harmónia Sound Studio, Györ Akira Kuroszava’s Movie: “RAN” (Cover Photo taken from the Movie) GyőrFree Műhely (Cover Design) Vértes Kornél (Cover) Grencsó István (Photo) The Revelation of S.John 19/17-21 (LINER NOTES) Hárs György Péter (Translation LINER NOTES) .
Supported by: Harmónia produkció / Harmónia Centre Arts Office (VOKE) Aranz János Művelődési Ház /Voke Arany János – House of Culture – Györ B.K.L. Kiadó Magyar Kultúra Kiadó