Kovács Ferenc
Hungarian violin and trumpet player
born 16. July, 1957 in Budapest, Hungary
Involved in György Szabados "Body of Work":
We have given the strongest free musical concert with the MAKÚZ in the Art Gallery in Szombathely, its title was “Watching into the well”. It lasted from A.M. 10 to P.M. 9. It was a really fantastic experience. We made rehearsals regularly over several years in the then Kassák Club, and many times we made recordings, too. These were the greatest musical pieces, although they were not published anywhere. You know that the clear sounds and the authentic resonations do not cease to exist but they can still be heard somewhere in the ethereal universe.
Kovács Ferenc
Member of
1984 Ragtime / Budapest Ragtime Együttes – SLPX 17794 Krém
1988 RagDay / Budapest Ragtime Band RTV 88004
1991 HOMOKI ZENE Szabados György és a MAKUZ – Adyton
1993 TRUBADURR B. R. B. Hungaroton HCD 31532
1994 Roma Vándor / Kálmán Balogh és a Gipsy Cimbalom Band MW Records Holland
1995 Folyondár / Dresch Quartet – Adyton – Fonó Records
1996 Túl a vízen / Dresch Quartet – Adyton – Fonó Records
1996 Jelenés / Roscoe Michell és Szabados György – Fonó Records
1996 Djabe / Djabe – Gramy Records
1997 Balogh Kálmán és a Gipsy Cimbalom Band – Fonó Records
1997 Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble / Beregovski’s Khasene – Germany
1997 Szabados György – Idő Zene / Akadémiai Szólisták Kamarazenekar – Fonó Rec.
1998 Révészem, révészem / Dresch Quartet – Fonó Records
2000 Riding the Wind / Dresch Quartet – November Music. London.
2000 Tereskova / Koncert Mix Best of / privát kozmosz első magyar tapslemez
2000 Ritmos y Melodias Negros y Latinos / Latin Combo Band
2000 Naplegenda / Nikola Parov – Tom Tom Records
2001 Quiet as it is / Dresch Mihály – BMC Records
2001 HOMEWARD / Gábor Gadó – BMC Records
2001 1 legális szerető / Tereskova x – T formáció – Szerzői Kiadás
2001 Pocsolyás és Barátai – Gramy Records
2001 Update / Djabe – Gramy Records
2001 Kovács Ferenc / Magony – Gramy Records
2002 Hungarian Bebőp / Mihály Dresch Quartet – Archie Shepp – BMC Records
2002 CREUZFELDT – JAKOB SINdicate üzenet az égből
2002 Djabe / Flying DVD – Gramy Records
2003 Djabe / Táncolnak a kazlak – Gramy Records
2003 Kovács Ferenc / Magony Vonósok – Gramy Records
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