Az események titkos története
The Secret History of the Events
Die geheime Geschichte der Ereignisse
Year of writing:
1983, re-translated part 1990
First known performance:
1984, at unknown place
Year of publishing:
Music Publisher:
Fonó Records Hungary (CD No. FA-068-2)
György Szabados wrote the composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) in improvisatory style on basic of his own text in a meta-language (see LINER NOTES). In 1990 he re-translated the last two stanzas of the libretto from meta-language into actual speech.
1984-2007: Szabados – Quartet Composition: The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története) with info where and when the composition was played
Interview with Szabados conducted by J.Király István (1985) with title: “A mese él (The story lives)”
2014. október 22.: „ Az események titkos története”, Tisztelgés Szabados György zeneszerző, zongoraművész emléke és az 1956-os forradalom előtt
Varga Klára: Zárványok a lelkűnkben – Három nap Szabados Györggyel és a dzsesszel a MU Színház fesztiválján [Magyar Nemzet, 2007/09/08, 14.old.]
Nagy Ágnes: Históriás napok Sárváron – Zenei csemegék – történelmi környezetben [In: Magyar ifjúság 1985/31.(aug.2.), 29.old.]
1996: Jávorszky Béla Szilárd: Szabados György – Elfelejtett énekek (Forgotten Songs / Vergessene Lieder) [In: Népszabadság, 1996. július 22.]
Bognár Ferenc Notes
Recording Date: October 23, 1996
Recorded Live at: Concerthall of Fonó Music Hall, Budapest, Hungary / Time: 33:30
Szabados György (prepared piano)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, voice)
Dresch Mihály (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet)
Recording Date: October 23, 1996
Recorded Live at: Concerthall of Fonó Music Hall, Budapest, Hungary / Time: 3:03 [excerpt]
Szabados György (prepared piano)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, voice)
Dresch Mihály (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet)
Recording Date: September 6, 2007
Recorded at: Budapest Autumn Festival, Mu Theater – GyörFree Workshop Festival / Time: 35:49
Szabados György (prepared piano)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet, furulya)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet, furulya)
read more infos about playlist: #1: 42:07 Musicians: Related items: #2: 38:20 Musicians: Related items: #3: 27:36 Musicians: Related items: #4: 33:37 Musicians: Related items: #5: 35:38 Musicians: Related items: #6: 35:50 Musicians: Related items:
Recording Date: May 14, 1985
Recorded at: Kassák Klub, Budapest (HU)
Szabados György – prepared piano
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás – vocal
Dresch Mihály – flute, tenor saxophone, bass clarinet
Grencsó István – flute, alto saxophone, alto clarinet
Interview with György Szabados conducted by J.Király István (1985) with title: “A mese él (The story lives)”
1985: Históriás ének – Kassák Klub, 1985.
Recording Date: May 17, 1985
Recorded at: Ceremonial Hall, Castle Sarvar (HU)
Szabados György (prep. piano)
Dresch Mihály (ts, basscl., flute)
Grencsó István (flute, as, alt cl.)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal)
1985: Históriás ének Sárváron, 1985.
Recording Date: October 17, 1991
Recorded at: Auditorium Maximum, in Debrecen (HU) 17.10.1991
Szabados György – leader, piano
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás – vocal
Dresch Mihály – flute, bass clarinet
Grencsó István – flute, alto clarinet
1991: A MAKUZ Debrecenben, 1991.
Turi Gábor: Jazz Forum No. 132, published 1992 & Hajdú-bihari Napló, 1991.
Turi Gábor: Hajdú-bihari Napló, 1991
Recording Date: October 23, 1996
Recorded at: Concerthall of Fonó Budai Zeneház, Budapest, Hungary
Szabados György – prepared piano
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás – vocal, voice
Dresch Mihály – flute, bass clarinet, furulya
Vaskó Zsolt – flute, bass clarinet, furulya
1996: Szabados György – Az események titkos története
Recording Date: September 20, 2006
Recorded at: Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen, 20.09.2006
Szabados György (prepared piano)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, voice)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet)
2006: Az események titkos története – Debrecen, 2006.
Video of the performance
TV broadcasting on DUNA TV about the story and making of “The Secret History of the Events / Az események titkos története” (with englisch subtitles)
Recording Date: September 6, 2007
Recorded at: Budapest Autumn Festival, Mu Theatre – GyörFree Workshop Festival
Szabados György (prepared piano)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt – (flute, bass clarinet)
2007: Győrfree Műhely Fesztivál a MU Színházban 2007/3
live at Concerthall of Fonó Music Hall, Budapest, Hungary, 23. October 1996
Time: 42:41
Szabados György (prepared piano)
„Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal)
Dresch Mihály (woodwinds)
Vaskó Zsolt (woodwinds)
at the Csokonai Theatre, Debrecen, 20.09.2006
Time: 21:14
Szabados György (prepared piano)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, voice)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet)
2006 TV Documentation to Composition: “The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)” (with english subtiles)
Time: 39:48
2006 TV Documentation to Composition: “The Secret History of the Events (Az események titkos története)” (with englisch and german subtiles)
Time: 39:40
at the Budapest Autumn Festival, Mu Theatre – GyőrFree Workshop Festival, 06.09.2007
Time: 36:50
Szabados György (prepared piano)
“Kobzos” Kiss Tamás (vocal, voice)
Grencsó István (flute, bass clarinet)
Vaskó Zsolt (flute, bass clarinet)
Time: 1:02:41
22.10.2014: Evening about “The Secret History of Events”, Budapest (HU)
Heritage House, 1011 Budapest, Corvin tér 8th
Film screening – György Szabados: The Secret History of events – concerts with Hungarian subtitles (premiere)
Concert – Grencsó collective plays works of György Szabados
The band members: Grencsó István; Benkő Róbert; Miklós Szilveszter; Pozsár Máté;
Guest: Mihály Dresch
Halmos Béla room – Talk of the Kossuth Prize Gyorgy Szabados, who would be 75 years old this year, and about his work entitled The Secret History of events
Participants: György Szabados bandmates, former friends
Also: photos from György Szabados made by Grencsó István
The opening ceremony and the telling conversation led by Balázs Attila (writer)
The evening under the patronage of: Judit Szabados
Corrections and additions are welcome – please contact webmaster: info@györgy-szabados.com