Other Szabados Sites:
Link collection
Turi Gábor – „In his own write”
Budapest Music Center
Fonó Music House
Jazz Word (interesting blog on the Jazz World)
Nemzeti Audiovizualis Archivum (National Audiovisual Archive)
Inconstantsol (intersting blog on free/improv/experimental side of jazz)
Different perspectives in my room (intersting blog on Jazz Music)
Book: Hungarian Jazz Musicians (somebody know this book? Scan of Article about Szabados would be great!)
Basic data of the Hungarian jazz history
Free Jazz Collective (interesting blog on Free Jazz)
Hubert Bergmann
Johannes Bauer
Anthony Braxton
Anthony Braxton on Facebook
Do the Math – excellent Blog for music lovers
Travel Guide for Jazz Lovers
Interview to György Szabados’s Website „The World of György Szabados“ – Gábor Turi talks with Rudolf Kraus, Webmaster
Interjú a „The World of György Szabados” honlap számára – Turi Gábor beszélgetése a webmesterrel.
Interview zu György Szabados’s Webseite „The World of György Szabados“ – Gábor Turi sprich mit dem Webmaster
Beszélgetés Bognar Bulcsuval Szabados Györgyről – Ráduly Mihály interjúja (Budapest, 2016. február 18.) / 1. rész
Beszélgetés Bognar Bulcsuval Szabados Györgyről – Ráduly Mihály interjúja (Budapest, 2016. február 18.) / 2. rész
Beszélgetés Bognar Bulcsuval Szabados Györgyről – Ráduly Mihály interjúja (Budapest, 2016. február 18.) / 3. rész
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT: JAZZ Studium ’83 NO.5, Gyor 1983 (special issue of the jazz clubs at Petöfi-cultural center in Györ with articles about and by György Szabados, interviews, all texts in Hungarian)
Other Important Links
Downloads - Szabados Writing
Interview with Tamás Régheny from 2008:
German translation: „Die zeitlose Botschaft der Improvisation”
English translation: „The timeless massage of Improvisation”
Interview with Molnár Csaba from 2006:
Version: „Terasy.hu”:
German translation: „Zeit zur Muße” – Text mit Bilder
German translation: „Zeit zur Muße” – Text ohne Bilder
English translation: „Time for leisure” Text with images
English translation: „Time for leisure” Text without images
Version: „Forrás”:
German translation: „Zeit zur Muße – Teil 1”
German translation: „Zeit zur Muße – Teil 2”
English translation: „Time for leisure – part 1”
English translation: „Time for leisure – part 2”
Lecture in Száhalombatta (HU) from 2003:
German translation: „Béla Hamvas und die Musik”
English translation: „Béla Hamvas and the music”
Interview with Turi Gábor from 1992:
German translation: „Jazz – auf Ungarisch”
English translation: „Jazz – in Hungarian”
Interview with Tamás Régheny from 2003:
German translation: „Die Macht des Unsichtbaren: Musik, Kult, Genius”
English translation: „The power of the invisible: Music, cult, genius”
Essay from 2007 – 2009:
German translation: „Der „lebende” Bartók”
English translation: „The „living” Bartók”
Essay from 1979:
German translation: Die „Kodály-Frage”
English translation: About the „Kodály-question”
Essay from 1980:
German translation: Das Kodály-Phänomen
English translation: The Kodály-phenomenon
Article from 2000:
German translation: Improvisation und Komposition
English translation: Improvisation and composition
Interview with Tamás „Kobzos” Kiss from 2009:
German translation: Würdig sein gegenüber dem Schöpfer
English translation: To be worthy of the creator
Interview with Andrew Choate from 2009:
German translation
Lecture in Nagykanizsa (HU) from 1974:
German translation: „Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane und Don Cherry”
English translation: „Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane and Don Cherry”
Interview with Anthony Braxton & György Szabados & Vladimir Tarasov at Jazz Festival Kanjiza, 2003, 13 Sept.:
Video with hungarian, englisch, german subtitles
Hungarian translation
German translation
English translation
Essay from 2001:
German translation: „Wer hat schon einmal einen Kometen gesehen, der sich in eine Schachtel sperren ließ?”
English translation: „Who has seen a Comet locked in a box?”
Interview with Jávorszky Béla Szilárd from 1995:
German translation: Brunftschreie des heiligen Phönix
English translation: Ruttings of the Sacred Phoenix Bird
Interview with Jávorszky Béla Szilárd from 1996:
German translation: Vergessene Lieder
English translation: Forgotton Songs
Interview with Tamás Horváth from 1984:
German translation: Alles wie gehabt ?
English translation: Anything changed?
Essay from 1985-86:
German translation: Das doppelte Licht der Musik